Source code for discord_http.view

import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
import secrets
import time

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable

from .emoji import EmojiParser
from .enums import (
    ButtonStyles, ComponentType, TextStyles,

    from . import Snowflake
    from .member import Member
    from .channel import BaseChannel
    from .role import Role
    from .context import Context
    from .response import BaseResponse

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = (

def _garbage_id() -> str:
    """ `str`: Returns a random ID to satisfy Discord API """
    return secrets.token_hex(16)

[docs] class Item: def __init__(self, *, type: int, row: int | None = None): self.row: int | None = row self.type: int = type def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Item type={self.type} row={self.row}>"
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ `dict`: Returns a dict representation of the item """ raise NotImplementedError("to_dict not implemented")
[docs] class ModalItem: def __init__( self, *, label: str, custom_id: str | None = None, style: TextStyles | None = None, placeholder: str | None = None, min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, default: str | None = None, required: bool = True, ): self.label: str = label self.custom_id: str = ( str(custom_id) if custom_id else _garbage_id() ) int = int(style or TextStyles.short) self.placeholder: str | None = placeholder self.min_length: int | None = min_length self.max_length: int | None = max_length self.default: str | None = default self.required: bool = required if ( isinstance(self.min_length, int) and self.min_length not in range(0, 4001) ): raise ValueError("min_length must be between 0 and 4,000") if ( isinstance(self.max_length, int) and self.max_length not in range(1, 4001) ): raise ValueError("max_length must be between 1 and 4,000")
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ `dict`: Returns a dict representation of the modal item """ payload = { "type": 4, "label": self.label, "custom_id": self.custom_id, "style":, "required": self.required, } if self.min_length is not None: payload["min_length"] = int(self.min_length) if self.max_length is not None: payload["max_length"] = int(self.max_length) if self.placeholder is not None: payload["placeholder"] = str(self.placeholder) if self.default is not None: payload["value"] = str(self.default) return payload
[docs] class Button(Item): def __init__( self, *, label: str | None = None, style: ButtonStyles | str | int = ButtonStyles.primary, disabled: bool = False, row: int | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, sku_id: "Snowflake | int | None" = None, emoji: str | dict | None = None, url: str | None = None ): super().__init__(type=int(ComponentType.button), row=row) self.label: str | None = label self.disabled: bool = disabled self.url: str | None = url self.emoji: str | dict | None = emoji self.sku_id: "Snowflake | int | None" = sku_id ButtonStyles | str | int = style self.custom_id: str = ( str(custom_id) if custom_id else _garbage_id() ) match style: case x if isinstance(x, ButtonStyles): pass case x if isinstance(x, int): = ButtonStyles(style) case x if isinstance(x, str): try: = ButtonStyles[style] # type: ignore except KeyError: = ButtonStyles.primary case _: = ButtonStyles.primary
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ `dict`: Returns a dict representation of the button """ payload = { "type": self.type, "style": int(, "disabled": self.disabled, } if self.sku_id: if != ButtonStyles.premium: raise ValueError("Cannot have sku_id without premium style") # Ignore everything else if sku_id is present # payload["sku_id"] = str(int(self.sku_id)) return payload if self.custom_id and self.url: raise ValueError("Cannot have both custom_id and url") if self.emoji: if isinstance(self.emoji, str): payload["emoji"] = EmojiParser(self.emoji).to_dict() elif isinstance(self.emoji, dict): payload["emoji"] = self.emoji if self.label: payload["label"] = self.label if self.custom_id: payload["custom_id"] = self.custom_id if self.url: payload["url"] = self.url return payload
[docs] class Premium(Button): def __init__( self, *, sku_id: "Snowflake | int", row: int | None = None, ): """ Button alias for the premium SKU style Parameters ---------- sku_id: `Union[Snowflake, int]` SKU ID of the premium button row: `Optional[int]` Row of the button """ super().__init__( sku_id=sku_id, style=ButtonStyles.premium, row=row ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Premium sku_id={self.sku_id}>"
[docs] class Select(Item): def __init__( self, *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = 1, max_values: int | None = 1, row: int | None = None, disabled: bool = False, options: list[dict] | None = None, _type: int | None = None ): super().__init__( row=row, type=_type or int(ComponentType.string_select) ) self.placeholder: str | None = placeholder self.min_values: int | None = min_values self.max_values: int | None = max_values self.disabled: bool = disabled self.custom_id: str = ( str(custom_id) if custom_id else _garbage_id() ) self._options: list[dict] = options or [] self._default_values: list[dict[str, str]] = [] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Select custom_id='{self.custom_id}'>"
[docs] def add_item( self, *, label: str, value: str, description: str | None = None, emoji: str | None = None, default: bool = False ) -> None: """ Add an item to the select menu Parameters ---------- label: `str` Label of the item value: `str` The value of the item, which will be shown on interaction response description: `Optional[str]` Description of the item emoji: `Optional[str]` Emoji shown on the left side of the item default: `bool` Whether the item is selected by default Raises ------ `ValueError` If there are more than 25 options """ if len(self._options) > 25: raise ValueError("Cannot have more than 25 options") payload: dict = { "label": label, "value": value, "default": default } if description: payload["description"] = description if emoji: payload["emoji"] = EmojiParser(emoji).to_dict() self._options.append(payload)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ `dict`: Returns a dict representation of the select menu """ payload = { "type": self.type, "custom_id": self.custom_id, "min_values": self.min_values, "max_values": self.max_values, "disabled": self.disabled, } if self.placeholder is not None: payload["placeholder"] = self.placeholder if self._default_values: payload["default_values"] = self._default_values if self._options: payload["options"] = self._options return payload
[docs] class UserSelect(Select): def __init__( self, *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = 1, max_values: int | None = 1, default_values: list["Member | int"] | None = None, row: int | None = None, disabled: bool = False ): super().__init__( row=row, _type=int(ComponentType.user_select), placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled ) if isinstance(default_values, list): self._default_values = [ {"id": str(int(g)), "type": "user"} for g in default_values ] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<UserSelect custom_id='{self.custom_id}'>"
[docs] class RoleSelect(Select): def __init__( self, *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = 1, max_values: int | None = 1, default_values: list["Role | int"] | None = None, row: int | None = None, disabled: bool = False ): super().__init__( row=row, _type=int(ComponentType.role_select), placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled ) if isinstance(default_values, list): self._default_values = [ {"id": str(int(g)), "type": "role"} for g in default_values ] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<RoleSelect custom_id='{self.custom_id}'>"
[docs] class MentionableSelect(Select): def __init__( self, *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = 1, max_values: int | None = 1, default_values: list["Member | Role | int"] | None = None, row: int | None = None, disabled: bool = False ): super().__init__( row=row, _type=int(ComponentType.mentionable_select), placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled ) # NOTE: Will be changed to accept roles too if isinstance(default_values, list): self._default_values = [ {"id": str(int(g)), "type": "user"} for g in default_values ] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<MentionableSelect custom_id='{self.custom_id}'>"
[docs] class ChannelSelect(Select): def __init__( self, *channels: "ChannelType | BaseChannel", placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = 1, max_values: int | None = 1, default_values: list["BaseChannel | int"] | None = None, row: int | None = None, disabled: bool = False ): super().__init__( row=row, _type=int(ComponentType.channel_select), placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled ) self._channel_types = [] for c in channels: if isinstance(c, ChannelType): self._channel_types.append(int(c)) else: self._channel_types.append(int(c.type)) if isinstance(default_values, list): self._default_values = [ {"id": str(int(g)), "type": "channel"} for g in default_values ] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ChannelSelect custom_id='{self.custom_id}'>"
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ `dict`: Returns a dict representation of the channel select menu """ payload = super().to_dict() payload["channel_types"] = self._channel_types return payload
class InteractionStorage: def __init__(self): self._event_wait = asyncio.Event() self._store_interaction: "Context | None" = None self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self._call_after: Callable | None = None self._users: list["Snowflake"] = [] self._timeout_bool = False self._timeout: float | None = None self._timeout_expiry: float | None = None self._msg_cache: str | int | None = None def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<InteractionStorage timeout={self._timeout} " f"msg={self._msg_cache}>" ) def _update_event(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Update the event waiter to either set or clear Parameters ---------- value: `bool` `True` means the event is set `False` means the event is cleared """ if value is True: self._event_wait.set() elif value is False: self._event_wait.clear() async def _timeout_watcher(self) -> None: """ Watches for the timeout and calls on_timeout when it expires """ while True: if self._timeout is None: return if self._timeout_expiry is None: return await self._dispatch_timeout() now = time.monotonic() if now >= self._timeout_expiry: return await self._dispatch_timeout() await asyncio.sleep(self._timeout_expiry - now) async def _dispatch_timeout(self) -> None: """ Dispatches the timeout event """ if self._event_wait.is_set(): return asyncio.create_task( self.on_timeout(), name=f"discordhttp-timeout-{int(time.time())}" ) async def on_timeout(self) -> None: """ Called when the view times out """ self._timeout_bool = True self._update_event(True) def is_timeout(self) -> bool: """ `bool`: Whether the view has timed out """ return self._timeout_bool async def callback( self, ctx: "Context" ) -> "BaseResponse | None": """ Called when the view is interacted with """ if not self._call_after: return None if ( self._users and not in [ for g in self._users] ): return ctx.response.send_message( "You are not allowed to interact with this message", ephemeral=True ) self._store_interaction = ctx self._update_event(True) return await self._call_after(ctx) async def wait( self, ctx: "Context", *, call_after: Callable, users: list["Snowflake"] | None = [], original_response: bool = False, custom_id: str | int | None = None, timeout: float = 60, ) -> "Context | None": """ Tell the command to wait for an interaction response It will continue your code either if it was interacted with or timed out Parameters ---------- ctx: `Context` Passing the current context of the bot call_after: `Coroutine` Coroutine to call after the view is interacted with (will be ignored if timeout) The new context does follow with the call_after function, example: .. code-block:: python test = await view.wait(ctx, call_after=call_after, timeout=10) if not test: return None # Timed out async def call_after(ctx): await ctx.response.edit_message(content="Hello world") users: `Optional[list[Snowflake]]` List of users that are allowed to interact with the view original_response: `bool` Whether to force the original response to be used as the message target custom_id: `str | None` Custom ID of the view, if not provided, it will use or Context.message timeout: `float` How long it should take until the code simply times out Returns ------- `Optional[Context]` Returns the new context of the interaction, or `None` if timed out """ if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(call_after): _log.warning("call_after is not a coroutine function, ignoring...") return None if users and isinstance(users, list): self._users = [g for g in users if getattr(g, "id", None)] self._call_after = call_after self._timeout = timeout self._timeout_expiry = time.monotonic() + timeout self.loop.create_task(self._timeout_watcher()) self._update_event(False) # If user provides a custom_id if custom_id is not None: self._msg_cache = custom_id # If an interaction was made, and the initial is in message if ( self._msg_cache is None and ctx.message is not None and ctx.message.interaction is not None ): self._msg_cache = # If we're in the command init, use the initial if self._msg_cache is None: self._msg_cache = # If for some reason msg_cache is still None # Or if user has spesifically asked for original_response if ( self._msg_cache is None or original_response is True ): try: await asyncio.sleep(0.15) # Make sure Discord has time to store the message _msg = await ctx.original_response() self._msg_cache = except Exception as e: _log.warning(f"Failed to fetch origin message: {e}") return None[self._msg_cache] = self await self._event_wait.wait() try: del[self._msg_cache] except KeyError: pass if self.is_timeout(): return None return self._store_interaction
[docs] class View(InteractionStorage): def __init__(self, *items: Button | Select | Link): super().__init__() self.items = items self._select_types: list[int] = [ int(ComponentType.string_select), int(ComponentType.user_select), int(ComponentType.role_select), int(ComponentType.mentionable_select), int(ComponentType.channel_select) ] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<View items={list(self.items)}>"
[docs] def get_item( self, *, label: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None ) -> Button | Select | Link | None: """ Get an item from the view that matches the parameters Parameters ---------- label: `Optional[str]` Label of the item custom_id: `Optional[str]` Custom ID of the item Returns ------- `Optional[Union[Button, Select, Link]]` Returns the item if found, otherwise `None` """ for g in self.items: if ( custom_id is not None and g.custom_id == custom_id ): return g if ( label is not None and isinstance(g, Button) and g.label == label ): return g return None
[docs] def add_item( self, item: Button | Select | Link ) -> Button | Select | Link: """ Add an item to the view Parameters ---------- item: `Union[Button, Select, Link]` The item to add to the view Returns ------- `Union[Button, Select, Link]` Returns the added item """ self.items = self.items + (item,) return item
[docs] def remove_items( self, *, label: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None ) -> int: """ Remove items from the view that match the parameters Parameters ---------- label: `Optional[str]` Label of the item custom_id: `Optional[str]` Custom ID of the item Returns ------- `int` Returns the amount of items removed """ temp = [] removed = 0 for g in self.items: if ( custom_id is not None and g.custom_id == custom_id ): removed += 1 continue if ( label is not None and isinstance(g, Button) and g.label == label ): removed += 1 continue temp.append(g) self.items = tuple(temp) return removed
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> list[dict]: """ `list[dict]`: Returns a dict representation of the view """ components: list[list[dict]] = [[] for _ in range(5)] for g in self.items: if g.row is None: g.row = next(( i for i, _ in enumerate(components) if len(components[i]) < 5 and not any( g.get("type", 0) in self._select_types for g in components[i] ) ), 0) if isinstance(g, Select): if len(components[g.row]) >= 1: raise ValueError( "Cannot add select menu to row with other view items" ) else: if any(isinstance(i, Select) for i in components[g.row]): raise ValueError( "Cannot add component to row with select menu" ) if len(components[g.row]) >= 5: raise ValueError( f"Cannot have more than 5 items in row {g.row}" ) components[g.row].append(g.to_dict()) payload = [] for c in components: if len(c) <= 0: continue payload.append({"type": 1, "components": c}) return payload
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> "View": """ `View`: Returns a view from a dict provided by Discord """ items = [] if not data.get("components", None): return View(*[]) cls_table = { 2: Button, 3: Select, 5: UserSelect, 6: RoleSelect, 7: MentionableSelect, 8: ChannelSelect, } for i, comp in enumerate(data.get("components", [])): for c in comp.get("components", []): cls = cls_table[c.get("type", 2)] if c.get("url", None): cls = Link try: del c["style"] except KeyError: pass if c.get("type", None): del c["type"] if c.get("id", None): del c["id"] items.append(cls(row=i, **c)) return View(*items)