discord_http.member module¶
- class discord_http.member.Member(*, state: DiscordAPI, guild: Guild | PartialGuild, data: dict)[source]¶
- property avatar_decoration: Asset | None¶
Returns the avatar decoration of the member
- Type:
- property bot: bool¶
Returns whether the member is a bot
- Type:
- property discriminator: str | None¶
Gives the discriminator of the member if available
- Returns:
Discriminator of a user who has yet to convert or a bot account. If the user has converted to the new username, this will return None
- Return type:
- property display_avatar: Asset | None¶
Returns the display avatar of the member
- Type:
- property display_name: str¶
Returns the display name of the member
- Type:
- get_role(role: Snowflake | int) PartialRole | None [source]¶
Get a role from the member
- Parameters:
role (Union[Snowflake, int]) – The role to get. Can either be a role object or the Role ID
- Returns:
The role if found, else None
- Return type:
- property global_name: str | None¶
Gives the global display name of a member if available
- Type:
- property guild_permissions: Permissions¶
Returns the guild permissions of the member. This is only available if you are using gateway with guild cache.
- Type:
- has_permissions(*args: str) bool [source]¶
Check if a member has a permission
Will be False if used in Member.fetch() every time
- Parameters:
*args (str) – Permissions to check
- Returns:
Whether the member has the permission(s)
- Return type:
- property name: str¶
Returns the username of the member
- Type:
- property resolved_permissions: Permissions¶
Permissions Returns permissions from an interaction.
Will always be Permissions.none() if used in Member.fetch()
- property roles: list[Role | PartialRole]¶
Returns the roles of the member
- Type:
list[Role | PartialRole]
- property system: bool¶
Returns whether the member is a system user
- Type:
- property top_role: PartialRole | Role | None¶
Returns the top role of the member. Only usable if you are using gateway and caching
- Type:
Optional[PartialRole | Role]
- class discord_http.member.PartialMember(*, state: DiscordAPI, id: int, guild_id: int)[source]¶
- async add_roles(*roles: PartialRole | int, reason: str | None = None) None [source]¶
Add roles to someone
- Parameters:
*roles (Union[PartialRole, int]) – Roles to add to the member
reason (Optional[str]) – The reason for adding the roles
reason – The reason for adding the roles
- async ban(*, reason: str | None = None, delete_message_days: int | None = 0, delete_message_seconds: int | None = 0) None [source]¶
Ban the user
- Parameters:
reason (Optional[str]) – The reason for banning the user
delete_message_days (Optional[int]) – How many days of messages to delete
delete_message_seconds (Optional[int]) – How many seconds of messages to delete
- Raises:
ValueError –
If delete_message_days and delete_message_seconds are both specified - If delete_message_days is not between 0 and 7 - If delete_message_seconds is not between 0 and 604,800
- async edit(*, nick: str | None = <MISSING>, roles: list[~discord_http.role.PartialRole | int] | None = <MISSING>, mute: bool | None = <MISSING>, deaf: bool | None = <MISSING>, communication_disabled_until: ~datetime.timedelta | ~datetime.datetime | int | None = <MISSING>, channel_id: int | None = <MISSING>, reason: str | None = None) Member [source]¶
Edit the member
- Parameters:
nick (Optional[str]) – The new nickname of the member
roles (Optional[list[Union[PartialRole, int]]]) – Roles to make the member have
mute (Optional[bool]) – Whether to mute the member
deaf (Optional[bool]) – Whether to deafen the member
communication_disabled_until (Optional[Union[timedelta, datetime, int]]) – How long to disable communication for (timeout)
channel_id (Optional[int]) – The channel ID to move the member to
reason (Optional[str]) – The reason for editing the member
- Returns:
The edited member
- Return type:
- Raises:
TypeError –
If communication_disabled_until is not timedelta, datetime, or int
- property guild: Guild | PartialGuild¶
The guild of the member If you are using gateway cache, it can return full object too
- Type:
PartialGuild | Guild
- async kick(*, reason: str | None = None) None [source]¶
Kick the user
- Parameters:
reason (Optional[str]) – The reason for kicking the user
- property mention: str¶
The mention of the member
- Type:
- async remove_roles(*roles: PartialRole | int, reason: str | None = None) None [source]¶
Remove roles from someone
- Parameters:
reason (Optional[str]) – The reason for removing the roles
- async send(content: str | None = <MISSING>, *, channel_id: int | None = <MISSING>, embed: ~discord_http.embeds.Embed | None = <MISSING>, embeds: list[~discord_http.embeds.Embed] | None = <MISSING>, file: ~discord_http.file.File | None = <MISSING>, files: list[~discord_http.file.File] | None = <MISSING>, view: ~discord_http.view.View | None = <MISSING>, tts: bool | None = False, type: ~discord_http.enums.ResponseType | int = 4, flags: ~discord_http.flags.MessageFlags | None = <MISSING>, allowed_mentions: ~discord_http.mentions.AllowedMentions | None = <MISSING>, delete_after: float | None = None) Message [source]¶
Send a message to the user
- Parameters:
content (Optional[str]) – Content of the message
channel_id (Optional[int]) – Channel ID of the user, leave empty to create a DM
embed (Optional[Embed]) – Embed of the message
embeds (Optional[list[Embed]]) – Embeds of the message
file (Optional[File]) – File of the message
files (Optional[Union[list[File], File]]) – Files of the message
view (Optional[View]) – Components to add to the message
tts (Optional[bool]) – Whether the message should be sent as TTS
type (Optional[ResponseType]) – Type of the message
flags (Optional[MessageFlags]) – Flags of the message
allowed_mentions (Optional[AllowedMentions]) – Allowed mentions of the message
delete_after (Optional[float]) – How long to wait before deleting the message
- Returns:
The message sent
- Return type:
- class discord_http.member.ThreadMember(*, state: DiscordAPI, guild: PartialGuild, data: dict)[source]¶
- property thread: PartialChannel | Thread¶
The thread the member is in
- Type:
PartialChannel | Thread”