Source code for discord_http.tasks

import aiohttp
import asyncio
import inspect
import logging

from datetime import time as dtime
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, timezone
from typing import Callable, Sequence

from . import utils

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Sleeper: def __init__(self, dt: datetime, *, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): self.loop = loop self.future: asyncio.Future = loop.create_future() self.handle: asyncio.TimerHandle = loop.call_later( max((dt - utils.utcnow()).total_seconds(), 0), self.future.set_result, True )
[docs] def recalculate(self, dt: datetime) -> None: self.handle.cancel() self.handle: asyncio.TimerHandle = self.loop.call_later( max((dt - utils.utcnow()).total_seconds(), 0), self.future.set_result, True )
[docs] def wait(self) -> asyncio.Future: return self.future
[docs] def done(self) -> bool: return self.future.done()
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: self.future.cancel() self.handle.cancel()
[docs] class Loop: def __init__( self, *, func: Callable, seconds: float | None, minutes: float | None, hours: float | None, time: dtime | list[dtime] | None = None, count: int | None = None, reconnect: bool = True ): self.func: Callable = func self.reconnect: bool = reconnect self.count: int | None = count if self.count is not None and self.count <= 0: raise ValueError("count must be greater than 0 or None") self._task: asyncio.Task | None = None self._injected = None self._error: Callable = self._default_error self._before_loop: Callable = self._default_before_loop self._after_loop: Callable = self._default_after_loop self._whitelist_exceptions = ( OSError, asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError, ) self.handle_interval( seconds=seconds, minutes=minutes, hours=hours, time=time ) self._will_cancel: bool = False self._should_stop: bool = False self._has_faild: bool = False self._last_loop_failed: bool = False self._last_loop: datetime | None = None self._next_loop: datetime | None = None self._loop_count: int = 0 async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Callable: if self._injected is not None: args = (self._injected, *args) return await self.func(*args, **kwargs) def __get__(self, obj, objtype): if obj is None: return self copy: Loop = Loop( func=self.func, seconds=self._seconds, minutes=self._minutes, hours=self._hours, time=self._time, count=self.count, reconnect=self.reconnect ) copy._injected = obj copy._before_loop = self._before_loop copy._after_loop = self._after_loop copy._error = self._error setattr(obj, self.func.__name__, copy) return copy async def _try_sleep_until(self, dt: datetime) -> None: """ Attempt to sleeps until a specified datetime depending on the loop configuration """ self._handle = Sleeper(dt, loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) return await self._handle.wait() async def _default_error(self, e: Exception) -> None: """ The default error handler for the loop """ _log.error( f"Unhandled exception in background loop {self.func.__name__}", exc_info=e ) async def _default_before_loop(self) -> None: """ The default before_loop handler for the loop """ pass async def _default_after_loop(self) -> None: """ The default after_loop handler for the loop """ pass async def _looper(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Internal looper that handles the behaviour of the loop """ await self._before_loop() self._last_loop_failed = False if self._is_explicit_time(): self._next_loop = self._next_sleep_time() else: self._next_loop = utils.utcnow() await asyncio.sleep(0) try: if self._should_stop: return None while True: if self._is_explicit_time(): await self._try_sleep_until(self._next_loop) if not self._last_loop_failed: self._last_loop = self._next_loop self._next_loop = self._next_sleep_time() while ( self._is_explicit_time() and self._next_loop <= self._last_loop ): _log.warning( f"task:{self.func.__name__} woke up a bit too early. " f"Sleeping until {self._next_loop} to avoid drifting." ) await self._try_sleep_until(self._next_loop) self._next_loop = self._next_sleep_time() try: await self.func(*args, **kwargs) self._last_loop_failed = False except self._whitelist_exceptions: self._last_loop_failed = True if not self.reconnect: raise await asyncio.sleep(5) else: if self._should_stop: return if self._is_relative_time(): await self._try_sleep_until(self._next_loop) self._loop_count += 1 if ( self.count and self.loop_count >= self.count ): break except asyncio.CancelledError: self._will_cancel = True raise except Exception as e: self._has_faild = True await self._error(e) finally: await self._after_loop() if self._handle: self._handle.cancel() self._will_cancel = False self._loop_count = 0 self._should_stop = False
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs) -> asyncio.Task: """ Starts the loop """ if self._task and not self._task.done(): raise RuntimeError("The loop is already running") if self._injected is not None: args = (self._injected, *args) self._last_loop_failed = False self._task = asyncio.create_task(self._looper(*args, **kwargs)) return self._task
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops the loop """ if self._task and not self._task.done(): self._should_stop = True
def _can_be_cancelled(self) -> bool: return bool( not self._will_cancel and self._task and not self._task.done() )
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: """ Cancels the loop if possible """ if self._can_be_cancelled(): self._task.cancel()
[docs] def on_error(self) -> Callable: """ Decorator that registers a custom error handler for the loop """ def decorator(func: Loop) -> Loop: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError("The error handler must be a coroutine function") self._error = func return func return decorator
[docs] def before_loop(self) -> Callable: """ Decorator that registers a custom before_loop handler for the loop """ def decorator(func: Loop) -> Loop: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError("The before_loop must be a coroutine function") self._before_loop = func return func return decorator
[docs] def after_loop(self) -> Callable: """ Decorator that registers a custom after_loop handler for the loop """ def decorator(func: Loop) -> Loop: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError("The after_loop must be a coroutine function") self._after_loop = func return func return decorator
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the loop is running or not """ return not bool(self._task.done()) if self._task else False
@property def loop_count(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of times the loop has been run """ return self._loop_count @property def failed(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the loop has failed or not """ return self._has_faild def _is_relative_time(self) -> bool: return self._time is None def _is_explicit_time(self) -> bool: return self._time is not None
[docs] def is_being_cancelled(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the loop is being cancelled or not """ return self._will_cancel
[docs] def fetch_task(self) -> asyncio.Task | None: """ Returns the task that is running the loop """ return self._task
[docs] def add_exception(self, *exceptions: Exception) -> None: """ Adds exceptions to the whitelist of exceptions that are ignored """ for e in exceptions: if not inspect.isclass(e): _log.error( "Loop.add_exception expected a class, " f"received {type(e)} instead, skipping" ) continue if not issubclass(e, BaseException): _log.error( "Loop.add_exception expected a subclass of BaseException, " f"received {e} instead, skipping" ) continue self._whitelist_exceptions += (e,)
[docs] def remove_exception(self, *exceptions: Exception) -> None: """ Removes exceptions from the whitelist of exceptions that are ignored """ self._whitelist_exceptions = tuple( x for x in self._whitelist_exceptions if x not in exceptions )
[docs] def reset_exceptions(self) -> None: """ Resets the whitelist of exceptions that are ignored back to the default """ self._whitelist_exceptions = ( OSError, asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError, )
def _sort_static_times( self, times: dtime | Sequence[dtime] | None ) -> list[dtime]: if isinstance(times, dtime): return [ times if times.tzinfo is not None else times.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ] if not isinstance(times, Sequence): raise TypeError(f"Expected a list, got {type(times)} instead") if not times: raise ValueError("Expected at least one item, got an empty list instead") output: list[dtime] = [] for i, ts in enumerate(times): if not isinstance(ts, dtime): raise TypeError(f"Expected datetime.time, got {type(ts)} (Index: {i})") output.append( ts if ts.tzinfo is not None else ts.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ) return sorted(set(output))
[docs] def handle_interval( self, *, seconds: float | None = 0, minutes: float | None = 0, hours: float | None = 0, time: dtime | list[dtime] | None = None ) -> None: """ Sets the interval of the loop. Parameters ---------- seconds: `float` Amount of seconds between each iteration of the loop minutes: `float` Amount of minutes between each iteration of the loop hours: `float` Amount of hours between each iteration of the loop time: `dtime` The time of day to run the loop at Raises ------ `ValueError` - The sleep timer cannot be 0 - `count` must be greater than 0 or `None` `TypeError` `time` must be a `datetime.time` object """ if time is None: seconds = seconds or 0.0 minutes = minutes or 0.0 hours = hours or 0.0 sleep = seconds + (minutes * 60.0) + (hours * 3600.0) if sleep <= 0: raise ValueError("The sleep timer cannot be 0") self._seconds = float(seconds) self._minutes = float(minutes) self._hours = float(hours) self._sleep = sleep self._time: list[dtime] | None = None else: if any((seconds, minutes, hours)): raise ValueError("Cannot use both time and seconds/minutes/hours") self._time: list[dtime] | None = self._sort_static_times(time) self._sleep = self._seconds = self._minutes = self._hours = None if self.is_running() and self._last_loop is not None: self._next_loop = self._next_sleep_time() if self._handle and not self._handle.done(): self._handle.recalculate(self._next_loop)
def _find_time_index(self, now: datetime) -> int | None: """ Finds the index of the next time in the list of times Parameters ---------- now: `datetime` The current time Returns ------- `Optional[int]` The index of the next time in the list of times """ if not self._time: return None for i, ts in enumerate(self._time): start = now.astimezone(ts.tzinfo) if ts >= start.timetz(): return i else: return None def _next_sleep_time(self, now: datetime | None = None) -> datetime: """ Calculates the next time the loop should run """ if self._sleep is not None: return self._last_loop + timedelta(seconds=self._sleep) if now is None: now = utils.utcnow() index = self._find_time_index(now) if index is None: time = self._time[0] tomorrow = now.astimezone(time.tzinfo) + timedelta(days=1) date = else: time = self._time[index] date = now.astimezone(time.tzinfo).date() dt = datetime.combine(date, time, tzinfo=time.tzinfo) return dt.astimezone(timezone.utc)
[docs] def loop( *, seconds: float | None = None, minutes: float | None = None, hours: float | None = None, time: dtime | list[dtime] | None = None, count: int | None = None, reconnect: bool = True ) -> Callable[[Callable], Loop]: """ Decorator that registers a function as a loop. Parameters ---------- seconds: `float` The number of seconds between each iteration of the loop. minutes: `float` The number of minutes between each iteration of the loop. hours: `float` The number of hours between each iteration of the loop. time: `datetime.time` The time of day to run the loop at. (UTC only) count: `int` The number of times to run the loop. If ``None``, the loop will run forever. reconnect: `bool` Whether the loop should reconnect if it fails or not. """ def decorator(func) -> Loop: return Loop( func=func, seconds=seconds, minutes=minutes, hours=hours, time=time, count=count, reconnect=reconnect ) return decorator