Source code for discord_http.guild

from base64 import b64encode
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import (
    TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Optional, AsyncIterator, Callable,

from . import utils
from .asset import Asset
from .automod import (
    AutoModRule, PartialAutoModRule,
    AutoModRuleAction, AutoModRuleTriggers
from .colour import Colour, Color
from .enums import (
    ChannelType, VerificationLevel,
    DefaultNotificationLevel, ContentFilterLevel,
    ScheduledEventEntityType, PrivacyLevelType,
    ScheduledEventStatusType, VideoQualityType, AuditLogType,
    AutoModRuleEventType, AutoModRuleTriggerType, AutoModRulePresetType
from .emoji import Emoji, PartialEmoji
from .file import File
from .flags import Permissions, SystemChannelFlags, PermissionOverwrite
from .multipart import MultipartData
from .object import PartialBase, Snowflake
from .role import Role, PartialRole
from .soundboard import SoundboardSound, PartialSoundboardSound
from .sticker import Sticker, PartialSticker
from .voice import VoiceState, PartialVoiceState

    from .channel import (
        TextChannel, VoiceChannel,
        PartialChannel, BaseChannel,
        CategoryChannel, PublicThread,
        VoiceRegion, StageChannel, PrivateThread
    from .audit import AuditLogEntry
    from .http import DiscordAPI
    from .invite import Invite
    from .member import PartialMember, Member
    from .user import User
    from .integrations import Integration


__all__ = (

class _GuildLimits:
    bitrate: int
    emojis: int
    filesize: int
    soundboards: int
    stickers: int

[docs] class BanEntry(NamedTuple): user: "User" reason: str | None
[docs] class PartialScheduledEvent(PartialBase): def __init__( self, *, state: "DiscordAPI", id: int, guild_id: int ): super().__init__(id=int(id)) self._state = state self.guild_id: int = guild_id def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<PartialScheduledEvent id={}>" @property def guild(self) -> "Guild | PartialGuild": """ `PartialGuild`: The guild object this event is in """ cache = self._state.cache.get_guild(self.guild_id) if cache: return cache from .guild import PartialGuild return PartialGuild(state=self._state, id=self.guild_id) @property def url(self) -> str: return f"{self.guild_id}/{}"
[docs] async def fetch(self) -> "ScheduledEvent": """ `ScheduledEvent`: Fetches more information about the event """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{self.guild_id}/scheduled-events/{}" ) return ScheduledEvent( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] async def delete(self, *, reason: str | None = None) -> None: """ Delete the event (the bot must own the event) """ await self._state.query( "DELETE", f"/guilds/{self.guild_id}/scheduled-events/{}", res_method="text", reason=reason )
[docs] async def edit( self, *, name: Optional[str] = MISSING, description: Optional[str] = MISSING, channel: Optional[Union["PartialChannel", int]] = MISSING, external_location: Optional[str] = MISSING, privacy_level: Optional[PrivacyLevelType] = MISSING, entity_type: Optional[ScheduledEventEntityType] = MISSING, status: Optional[ScheduledEventStatusType] = MISSING, start_time: Optional[Union[datetime, timedelta, int]] = MISSING, end_time: Optional[Union[datetime, timedelta, int]] = MISSING, image: Optional[Union[File, bytes]] = MISSING, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> "ScheduledEvent": """ Edit the event Parameters ---------- name: `Optional[str]` New name of the event description: `Optional[str]` New description of the event channel: `Optional[Union[&quot;PartialChannel&quot;, int]]` New channel of the event privacy_level: `Optional[PrivacyLevelType]` New privacy level of the event entity_type: `Optional[ScheduledEventEntityType]` New entity type of the event status: `Optional[ScheduledEventStatusType]` New status of the event start_time: `Optional[Union[datetime, timedelta, int]]` New start time of the event end_time: `Optional[Union[datetime, timedelta, int]]` New end time of the event (only for external events) image: `Optional[Union[File, bytes]]` New image of the event reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for editing the event Returns ------- `ScheduledEvent` The edited event Raises ------ `ValueError` If the start_time is None """ payload = {} if name is not MISSING: payload["name"] = name if description is not MISSING: payload["description"] = description if channel is not MISSING: payload["channel_id"] = str(int(channel)) if channel else None if external_location is not MISSING: if external_location is None: payload["entity_metadata"] = None else: payload["entity_metadata"] = { "location": external_location } if privacy_level is not MISSING: payload["privacy_level"] = int( privacy_level or PrivacyLevelType.guild_only ) if entity_type is not MISSING: payload["entity_type"] = int( entity_type or ScheduledEventEntityType.voice ) if status is not MISSING: payload["status"] = int( status or ScheduledEventStatusType.scheduled ) if start_time is not MISSING: if start_time is None: raise ValueError("start_time cannot be None") payload["scheduled_start_time"] = utils.add_to_datetime(start_time).isoformat() if end_time is not MISSING: if end_time is None: payload["scheduled_end_time"] = None else: payload["scheduled_end_time"] = utils.add_to_datetime(end_time).isoformat() if image is not MISSING: if image is None: payload["image"] = None else: payload["image"] = utils.bytes_to_base64(image) r = await self._state.query( "PATCH", f"/guilds/{self.guild_id}/scheduled-events/{}", json=payload, reason=reason ) return ScheduledEvent( state=self._state, data=r.response, )
[docs] class ScheduledEvent(PartialScheduledEvent): def __init__( self, *, state: "DiscordAPI", data: dict ): super().__init__( state=state, id=int(data["id"]), guild_id=int(data["guild_id"]) ) str = data["name"] self.description: Optional[str] = data.get("description", None) self.user_count: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "user_count") self.privacy_level: PrivacyLevelType = PrivacyLevelType(data["privacy_level"]) self.status: ScheduledEventStatusType = ScheduledEventStatusType(data["status"]) self.entity_type: ScheduledEventEntityType = ScheduledEventEntityType(data["entity_type"]) Optional[PartialChannel] = None self.creator: Optional["User"] = None self.start_time: datetime = utils.parse_time(data["scheduled_start_time"]) self.end_time: Optional[datetime] = None self._from_data(data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ScheduledEvent id={} name='{}'>" def __str__(self) -> str: return def _from_data(self, data: dict): if data.get("creator", None): from .user import User self.creator = User( state=self._state, data=data["creator"] ) if data.get("scheduled_end_time", None): self.end_time = utils.parse_time(data["scheduled_end_time"]) if data.get("entity_id", None) in [ ScheduledEventEntityType.stage_instance, ScheduledEventEntityType.voice ]: from .channel import PartialChannel = PartialChannel( state=self._state, id=int(data["entity_id"]), guild_id=self.guild_id )
[docs] class PartialGuild(PartialBase): def __init__(self, *, state: "DiscordAPI", id: int): super().__init__(id=int(id)) self._state = state self.unavailable: bool = False self._cache_members: dict[int, Union["Member", "PartialMember"]] = {} self._cache_channels: dict[int, Union["BaseChannel", "PartialChannel"]] = {} self._cache_threads: dict[int, Union["PublicThread", "PrivateThread", "PartialChannel"]] = {} self._cache_roles: dict[int, Union["Role", "PartialRole"]] = {} self._cache_emojis: dict[int, Union["Emoji", "PartialEmoji"]] = {} self._cache_soundboard_sounds: dict[int, Union["SoundboardSound", "PartialSoundboardSound"]] = {} self._cache_stickers: dict[int, Union["Sticker", "PartialSticker"]] = {} self._cache_voice_states: dict[int, Union["VoiceState", "PartialVoiceState"]] = {} self.member_count: int | None = None self._large: bool | None = ( None if self.member_count is None else self.member_count >= 250 ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<PartialGuild id={}>" @property def large(self) -> bool: """ `bool`: Whether the guild is considered large """ if self._large is None: if self.member_count is not None: return self.member_count >= 250 return len(self.members) >= 250 return self.large @property def chunked(self) -> bool: """ `bool`: Whether the guild is chunked or not """ count = self.member_count if count is None: return False return count == len(self._cache_members)
[docs] def get_member(self, member_id: int) -> Optional[Union["Member", "PartialMember"]]: """ Returns the member from cache if it exists. Parameters ---------- member_id: `int` The ID of the member to get. Returns ------- `Optional[Union["Member", "PartialMember"]` The member with the given ID, if it exists. """ return self._cache_members.get(member_id, None)
[docs] def get_channel(self, channel_id: int) -> Optional[Union["BaseChannel", "PartialChannel"]]: """ Returns the channel from cache if it exists. Parameters ---------- channel_id: `int` The ID of the channel to get. Returns ------- `Optional[Union["BaseChannel", "PartialChannel"]` The channel with the given ID, if it exists. """ return self._cache_channels.get(channel_id, None)
[docs] def get_thread(self, thread_id: int) -> "BaseChannel | PartialChannel | None": """ Returns the thread from cache if it exists. Parameters ---------- thread_id: `int` The ID of the thread to get. Returns ------- `Optional[Union["PartialThread", "PartialChannel"]` The thread with the given ID, if it exists. """ return self._cache_threads.get(thread_id, None)
[docs] def get_voice_states(self) -> list[Union["VoiceState", "PartialVoiceState"]]: """ `Optional[Union[VoiceState, PartialVoiceState]]`: Returns the voice state of the guild """ return list(self._cache_voice_states.values())
[docs] def get_channel_voice_states( self, channel_id: int ) -> list[Union["VoiceState", "PartialVoiceState"]]: return [ state for state in self._cache_voice_states.values() if state.channel_id == channel_id ]
[docs] def get_member_voice_state( self, member_id: int ) -> Optional[Union["VoiceState", "PartialVoiceState"]]: """ Returns the voice state of a member from cache if it exists. Parameters ---------- member_id: `int` The ID of the member to get the voice state of. Returns ------- `Optional[Union["VoiceState", "PartialVoiceState"]` The voice state of the member, if it exists. """ return self._cache_voice_states.get(member_id, None)
[docs] def get_role(self, role_id: int) -> Optional[Union["Role", "PartialRole"]]: """ Returns the role from cache if it exists. Parameters ---------- role_id: `int` The ID of the role to get. Returns ------- `Optional[Union["Role", "PartialRole"]` The role with the given ID, if it exists. """ return self._cache_roles.get(role_id, None)
[docs] def get_soundboard_sound(self, sound_id: int) -> Optional[Union["SoundboardSound", "PartialSoundboardSound"]]: """ Returns the soundboard sound from cache if it exists. Parameters ---------- sound_id: `int` The ID of the soundboard sound to get. Returns ------- `Optional[Union["SoundboardSound", "PartialSoundboardSound"]` The soundboard sound with the given ID, if it exists. """ return self._cache_soundboard_sounds.get(sound_id, None)
@property def members(self) -> list[Union["Member", "PartialMember"]]: """ `list[Union[Member, PartialMember]]`: Returns a list of all the members in the guild if they are cached. """ return list(self._cache_members.values()) @property def channels(self) -> list[Union["BaseChannel", "PartialChannel"]]: """ `list[Union[BaseChannel, PartialChannel]]`: Returns a list of all the channels in the guild if they are cached. """ return list(self._cache_channels.values()) @property def threads(self) -> list[Union["BaseChannel", "PartialChannel"]]: """ `list[Union[BaseChannel, PartialChannel]]`: Returns a list of all the threads in the guild if they are cached. """ return list(self._cache_threads.values()) @property def roles(self) -> list[Union["Role", "PartialRole"]]: """ `list[Union[Role, PartialRole]]`: Returns a list of all the roles in the guild if they are cached or if the guild was fetched """ return list(self._cache_roles.values()) @property def emojis(self) -> list[Union["Emoji", "PartialEmoji"]]: """ `list[Union[Emoji, PartialEmoji]]`: Returns a list of all the emojis in the guild if they are cached. """ return list(self._cache_emojis.values()) @property def soundboard_sounds(self) -> list[Union["SoundboardSound", "PartialSoundboardSound"]]: """ `list[Union[SoundboardSound, PartialSoundboardSound]]`: Returns a list of all the soundboard sounds in the guild if they are cached. """ return list(self._cache_soundboard_sounds.values()) @property def stickers(self) -> list[Union["Sticker", "PartialSticker"]]: """ `list[Union[Sticker, PartialSticker]]`: Returns a list of all the stickers in the guild if they are cached. """ return list(self._cache_stickers.values()) @property def text_channels(self) -> list["TextChannel"]: """ `list[TextChannel]`: Returns a list of all the text channels in the guild if they are cached. """ return [ channel # type: ignore for channel in self.channels if channel.type == ChannelType.guild_text or channel.type == ChannelType.guild_news ] @property def voice_channels(self) -> list["VoiceChannel"]: """ `list[VoiceChannel]`: Returns a list of all the voice channels in the guild if they are cached. """ return [ channel # type: ignore for channel in self.channels if channel.type == ChannelType.guild_voice ] @property def categories(self) -> list["CategoryChannel"]: """ `list[CategoryChannel]`: Returns a list of all the category channels in the guild if they are cached. """ return [ channel # type: ignore for channel in self.channels if channel.type == ChannelType.guild_category ] @property def default_role(self) -> PartialRole: """ `Role`: Returns the default role, but as a partial role object """ return PartialRole( state=self._state,, )
[docs] async def leave(self) -> None: """ Leave the guild """ await self._state.query( "DELETE", f"/users/@me/guilds/{}", res_method="text" )
[docs] async def fetch(self) -> "Guild": """ `Guild`: Fetches more information about the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}" ) return Guild( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] def get_partial_automod_rule(self, automod_id: int) -> PartialAutoModRule: """ `PartialAutoModRule`: Returns a partial automod rule object """ return PartialAutoModRule( state=self._state, id=automod_id, )
[docs] async def fetch_automod_rule(self, automod_id: int) -> AutoModRule: """ `AutoModRule`: Fetches a automod rule from the guild """ automod = self.get_partial_automod_rule(automod_id) return await automod.fetch()
[docs] async def fetch_automod_rules(self) -> list[AutoModRule]: """ `list[AutoModRule]` Fetches all the automod rules in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/auto-moderation/rules" ) return [ AutoModRule( state=self._state, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def create_automod_rule( self, name: str, *, event_type: AutoModRuleEventType | int, trigger_type: AutoModRuleTriggerType | int, keyword_filter: list[str] | None = None, regex_patterns: list[str] | None = None, presets: list[AutoModRulePresetType] | None = None, allow_list: list[str] | None = None, mention_total_limit: int | None = None, mention_raid_protection_enabled: bool = False, alert_channel: Snowflake | int | None = None, timeout_seconds: int | None = None, message: str | None = None, enabled: bool = True, exempt_roles: list[Snowflake | int] | None = None, exempt_channels: list[Snowflake | int] | None = None, reason: str | None = None, ) -> AutoModRule: """ Create an automod rule Parameters ---------- name: `str` Name of the automod event_type: `AutoModRuleEventType | int` What type of event trigger_type: `AutoModRuleTriggerType | int` What should make it get triggered keyword_filter: `list[str] | None` Keywords to filter regex_patterns: `list[str] | None` Keywords in regex pattern to filter presets: `list[AutoModRulePresetType] | None` Automod presets to include allow_list: `list[str] | None` List of keywords that are allowed mention_total_limit: `int | None` How many unique mentions allowed before trigger mention_raid_protection_enabled: `bool` If this should apply for raids alert_channel: `Snowflake | int | None` Where the action should be logged timeout_seconds: `int | None` How many seconds the user in question should be timed out message: `str | None` What message the user gets when action is taken enabled: `bool` If the automod should be enabled or not exempt_roles: `list[Snowflake | int] | None` Which roles are allowed to bypass exempt_channels: `list[Snowflake | int] | None` Which channels are allowed to bypass reason: `str | None` Reason for creating the automod Returns ------- `AutoModRule` The automod that was just created """ payload = { "name": str(name), "event_type": int(event_type), "trigger_type": int(trigger_type), "enabled": bool(enabled), "actions": [] } if alert_channel is not None: payload["actions"].append( AutoModRuleAction.create_alert_location( int(alert_channel) ).to_dict() ) if timeout_seconds is not None: payload["actions"].append( AutoModRuleAction.create_timeout( int(timeout_seconds) ).to_dict() ) if message is not None: payload["actions"].append( AutoModRuleAction.create_message( str(message) ).to_dict() ) if exempt_roles is not None: payload["exempt_roles"] = [str(int(g)) for g in exempt_roles] if exempt_channels is not None: payload["exempt_channels"] = [str(int(g)) for g in exempt_channels] if any([ keyword_filter, regex_patterns, presets, allow_list, mention_total_limit, mention_raid_protection_enabled ]): payload["trigger_metadata"] = AutoModRuleTriggers( keyword_filter=keyword_filter, regex_patterns=regex_patterns, presets=presets, allow_list=allow_list, mention_total_limit=mention_total_limit, mention_raid_protection_enabled=mention_raid_protection_enabled ).to_dict() r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/auto-moderation/rules", json=payload, reason=reason ) return AutoModRule( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] async def fetch_roles(self) -> list[Role]: """ `list[Role]`: Fetches all the roles in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/roles" ) return [ Role( state=self._state, guild=self, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_stickers(self) -> list[Sticker]: """ `list[Sticker]`: Fetches all the stickers in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/stickers" ) return [ Sticker( state=self._state, guild=self, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_scheduled_events_list(self) -> list[ScheduledEvent]: """ `list[ScheduledEvent]`: Fetches all the scheduled events in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/scheduled-events?with_user_count=true" ) return [ ScheduledEvent( state=self._state, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_emojis(self) -> list[Emoji]: """ `list[Emoji]`: Fetches all the emojis in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/emojis" ) return [ Emoji( state=self._state, guild=self, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_soundboard_sounds(self) -> list[SoundboardSound]: """ `list[SoundboardSound]`: Fetches all the soundboard sounds in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/soundboard-sounds" ) return [ SoundboardSound( state=self._state, guild=self, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_ban(self, user: Snowflake | int) -> BanEntry: """ Fetches a user's ban of the guild Parameters ---------- user: Snowflake | int The user to fetch the ban of Returns ------- `BanEntry` Ban entry that was found """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/bans/{int(user)}" ) from .user import User return BanEntry( user=User(state=self._state, data=r.response["user"]), reason=r.response["reason"] )
[docs] async def fetch_bans( self, *, before: Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]] = None, after: Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = 1000, ) -> AsyncIterator["BanEntry"]: """ Fetch the bans of the guild Parameters ---------- before: `Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]]` Consider only users before given user id after: `Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]]` Consider only users after given user id limit: `Optional[int]` The maximum amount of messages to fetch. `None` will fetch all users. Yields ------ `Message` The message object """ async def _get_history(limit: int, **kwargs): params = {"limit": limit} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is None: continue params[key] = utils.normalize_entity_id(value) return await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/bans", params=params ) async def _after_http( http_limit: int, after_id: Optional[int], limit: Optional[int] ): r = await _get_history(limit=http_limit, after=after_id) if r.response: if limit is not None: limit -= len(r.response) after_id = int(r.response[0]["user"]["id"]) return r.response, after_id, limit async def _before_http( http_limit: int, before_id: Optional[int], limit: Optional[int] ): r = await _get_history(limit=http_limit, before=before_id) if r.response: if limit is not None: limit -= len(r.response) before_id = int(r.response[-1]["user"]["id"]) return r.response, before_id, limit if after: strategy, state = _after_http, utils.normalize_entity_id(after) elif before: strategy, state = _before_http, utils.normalize_entity_id(before) else: strategy, state = _before_http, None from .user import User while True: http_limit: int = 1000 if limit is None else min(limit, 1000) if http_limit <= 0: break strategy: Callable bans, state, limit = await strategy(http_limit, state, limit) i = 0 for i, b in enumerate(bans, start=1): yield BanEntry( user=User(state=self._state, data=b["user"]), reason=b["reason"] ) if i < 1000: break
[docs] async def create_role( self, name: str, *, permissions: Optional[Permissions] = None, color: Optional[Union[Colour, Color, int]] = None, colour: Optional[Union[Colour, Color, int]] = None, unicode_emoji: Optional[str] = None, icon: Optional[Union[File, bytes]] = None, hoist: bool = False, mentionable: bool = False, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> Role: """ Create a role Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name of the role permissions: `Optional[Permissions]` The permissions of the role color: `Optional[Union[Colour, Color, int]]` The colour of the role colour: `Optional[Union[Colour, Color, int]]` The colour of the role hoist: `bool` Whether the role should be hoisted mentionable: `bool` Whether the role should be mentionable unicode_emoji: `Optional[str]` The unicode emoji of the role icon: `Optional[File]` The icon of the role reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the role Returns ------- `Role` The created role """ payload = { "name": name, "hoist": hoist, "mentionable": mentionable } if colour is not None: payload["color"] = int(colour) if color is not None: payload["color"] = int(color) if unicode_emoji is not None: payload["unicode_emoji"] = unicode_emoji if icon is not None: payload["icon"] = utils.bytes_to_base64(icon) if unicode_emoji and icon: raise ValueError("Cannot set both unicode_emoji and icon") if permissions: payload["permissions"] = int(permissions) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/roles", json=payload, reason=reason ) return Role( state=self._state, guild=self, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_scheduled_event( self, name: str, *, start_time: Union[datetime, timedelta, int], end_time: Optional[Union[datetime, timedelta, int]] = None, channel: Optional[Union["PartialChannel", int]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, privacy_level: Optional[PrivacyLevelType] = None, entity_type: Optional[ScheduledEventEntityType] = None, external_location: Optional[str] = None, image: Optional[Union[File, bytes]] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> "ScheduledEvent": """ Create a scheduled event Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name of the event start_time: `Union[datetime, timedelta, int]` The start time of the event end_time: `Optional[Union[datetime, timedelta, int]]` The end time of the event channel: `Optional[Union[PartialChannel, int]]` The channel of the event description: `Optional[str]` The description of the event privacy_level: `Optional[PrivacyLevelType]` The privacy level of the event (default is guild_only) entity_type: `Optional[ScheduledEventEntityType]` The entity type of the event (default is voice) external_location: `Optional[str]` The external location of the event image: `Optional[Union[File, bytes]]` The image of the event reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the event Returns ------- `ScheduledEvent` The created event """ if entity_type is ScheduledEventEntityType.external: if end_time is None: raise ValueError("end_time cannot be None for external events") if not external_location: raise ValueError("external_location cannot be None for external events") if channel: raise ValueError("channel cannot be set for external events") payload = { "name": name, "privacy_level": int( privacy_level or PrivacyLevelType.guild_only ), "scheduled_start_time": utils.add_to_datetime(start_time).isoformat(), "channel_id": str(int(channel)) if channel else None, "entity_type": int( entity_type or ScheduledEventEntityType.voice ) } if description is not None: payload["description"] = str(description) if end_time is not None: payload["scheduled_end_time"] = utils.add_to_datetime(end_time).isoformat() if external_location is not None: payload["entity_metadata"] = { "location": str(external_location) } if image is not None: payload["image"] = utils.bytes_to_base64(image) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/scheduled-events", json=payload, reason=reason ) return ScheduledEvent( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_category( self, name: str, *, overwrites: Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> "CategoryChannel": """ Create a category channel Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name of the category overwrites: `Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]]` The permission overwrites of the category position: `Optional[int]` The position of the category reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the category Returns ------- `CategoryChannel` The created category """ payload = { "name": name, "type": int(ChannelType.guild_category) } if overwrites: payload["permission_overwrites"] = [ g.to_dict() for g in overwrites if isinstance(g, PermissionOverwrite) ] if position is not None: payload["position"] = int(position) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/channels", json=payload, reason=reason ) from .channel import CategoryChannel return CategoryChannel( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_text_channel( self, name: str, *, topic: Optional[str] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, rate_limit_per_user: Optional[int] = None, overwrites: Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]] = None, parent_id: Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]] = None, nsfw: Optional[bool] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> "TextChannel": """ Create a text channel Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name of the channel topic: `Optional[str]` The topic of the channel rate_limit_per_user: `Optional[int]` The rate limit per user of the channel overwrites: `Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]]` The permission overwrites of the category parent_id: `Optional[Snowflake]` The Category ID where the channel will be placed nsfw: `Optional[bool]` Whether the channel is NSFW or not reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the text channel Returns ------- `TextChannel` The created channel """ payload = { "name": name, "type": int(ChannelType.guild_text) } if topic is not None: payload["topic"] = topic if rate_limit_per_user is not None: payload["rate_limit_per_user"] = ( int(rate_limit_per_user) if isinstance(rate_limit_per_user, int) else None ) if overwrites: payload["permission_overwrites"] = [ g.to_dict() for g in overwrites if isinstance(g, PermissionOverwrite) ] if parent_id is not None: payload["parent_id"] = str(int(parent_id)) if nsfw is not None: payload["nsfw"] = bool(nsfw) if position is not None: payload["position"] = int(position) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/channels", json=payload, reason=reason ) from .channel import TextChannel return TextChannel( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_voice_channel( self, name: str, *, bitrate: Optional[int] = None, user_limit: Optional[int] = None, rate_limit_per_user: Optional[int] = None, overwrites: Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, video_quality_mode: Optional[Union[VideoQualityType, int]] = None, parent_id: Union[Snowflake, int, None] = None, nsfw: Optional[bool] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> "VoiceChannel": """ Create a voice channel Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name of the channel bitrate: `Optional[int]` The bitrate of the channel user_limit: `Optional[int]` The user limit of the channel rate_limit_per_user: `Optional` The rate limit per user of the channel overwrites: `Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]]` The permission overwrites of the category position: `Optional[int]` The position of the channel video_quality_mode: `Optional[Union[VideoQualityType, int]]` The video quality mode of the channel parent_id: `Optional[Snowflake]` The Category ID where the channel will be placed nsfw: `Optional[bool]` Whether the channel is NSFW or not reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the voice channel Returns ------- `VoiceChannel` The created channel """ payload = { "name": name, "type": int(ChannelType.guild_voice) } if bitrate is not None: payload["bitrate"] = int(bitrate) if user_limit is not None: payload["user_limit"] = int(user_limit) if rate_limit_per_user is not None: payload["rate_limit_per_user"] = int(rate_limit_per_user) if overwrites: payload["permission_overwrites"] = [ g.to_dict() for g in overwrites if isinstance(g, PermissionOverwrite) ] if video_quality_mode is not None: payload["video_quality_mode"] = int(video_quality_mode) if position is not None: payload["position"] = int(position) if parent_id is not None: payload["parent_id"] = str(int(parent_id)) if nsfw is not None: payload["nsfw"] = bool(nsfw) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/channels", json=payload, reason=reason ) from .channel import VoiceChannel return VoiceChannel( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_stage_channel( self, name: str, *, bitrate: Optional[int] = None, user_limit: Optional[int] = None, overwrites: Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]] = None, position: Optional[int] = None, parent_id: Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]] = None, video_quality_mode: Optional[Union[VideoQualityType, int]] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> "StageChannel": """ Create a stage channel Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name of the channel bitrate: `Optional[int]` The bitrate of the channel user_limit: `Optional[int]` The user limit of the channel overwrites: `Optional[list[PermissionOverwrite]]` The permission overwrites of the category position: `Optional[int]` The position of the channel video_quality_mode: `Optional[Union[VideoQualityType, int]]` The video quality mode of the channel parent_id: `Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]]` The Category ID where the channel will be placed reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the stage channel Returns ------- `StageChannel` The created channel """ payload = { "name": name, "type": int(ChannelType.guild_stage_voice) } if bitrate is not None: payload["bitrate"] = int(bitrate) if user_limit is not None: payload["user_limit"] = int(user_limit) if overwrites: payload["permission_overwrites"] = [ g.to_dict() for g in overwrites if isinstance(g, PermissionOverwrite) ] if position is not None: payload["position"] = int(position) if video_quality_mode is not None: payload["video_quality_mode"] = int(video_quality_mode) if parent_id is not None: payload["parent_id"] = str(int(parent_id)) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/channels", json=payload, reason=reason ) from .channel import StageChannel return StageChannel( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_emoji( self, name: str, *, image: Union[File, bytes], reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> Emoji: """ Create an emoji Parameters ---------- name: `str` Name of the emoji image: `File` File object to create an emoji from reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the emoji Returns ------- `Emoji` The created emoji """ r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/emojis", reason=reason, json={ "name": name, "image": utils.bytes_to_base64(image) } ) return Emoji( state=self._state, guild=self, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_soundboard_sound( self, name: str, *, sound: Union[File, bytes], volume: Optional[int] = None, emoji_id: Optional[str] = None, emoji_name: Optional[str] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> SoundboardSound: """ Create a soundboard sound Parameters ---------- name: `str` Name of the soundboard sound sound: `File` File object to create a soundboard sound from volume: `Optional[int]` The volume of the soundboard sound emoji_name: `Optional[str]` The unicode emoji of the soundboard sound emoji_id: `Optional[str]` The ID of the custom emoji of the soundboard sound reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the soundboard sound Returns ------- `SoundboardSound` The created soundboard sound Raises ------ `ValueError` If both `emoji_name` and `emoji_id` are set """ mime_type = None if isinstance(sound, File): mime_type = "audio/mpeg" if sound.filename.endswith(".mp3") else None sound = if not mime_type: mime_type = utils.mime_type_audio(sound) payload: dict[str, Union[str, int]] = { "name": name, "sound": f"data:{mime_type};base64,{b64encode(sound).decode('ascii')}" } if volume is not None: payload["volume"] = volume if emoji_name is not None: payload["emoji_name"] = emoji_name if emoji_id is not None: payload["emoji_id"] = emoji_id if ( emoji_name is not MISSING and emoji_id is not MISSING ): raise ValueError("Cannot set both emoji_name and emoji_id") r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/soundboard-sounds", reason=reason, json=payload ) return SoundboardSound( state=self._state, guild=self, data=r.response )
[docs] async def create_sticker( self, name: str, *, description: str, emoji: str, file: File, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> Sticker: """ Create a sticker Parameters ---------- name: `str` Name of the sticker description: `str` Description of the sticker emoji: `str` Emoji that represents the sticker file: `File` File object to create a sticker from reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for creating the sticker Returns ------- `Sticker` The created sticker """ _bytes = try: mime_type = utils.mime_type_image(_bytes) except ValueError: mime_type = "application/octet-stream" finally: file.reset() multidata = MultipartData() multidata.attach("name", str(name)) multidata.attach("description", str(description)) multidata.attach("tags", utils.unicode_name(emoji)) multidata.attach( "file", file, filename=file.filename, content_type=mime_type ) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/stickers", headers={"Content-Type": multidata.content_type}, data=multidata.finish(), reason=reason ) return Sticker( state=self._state, guild=self, data=r.response )
[docs] async def fetch_guild_prune_count( self, *, days: Optional[int] = 7, include_roles: Optional[list[Union[Role, PartialRole, int]]] = None ) -> int: """ Fetch the amount of members that would be pruned Parameters ---------- days: `Optional[int]` How many days of inactivity to prune for include_roles: `Optional[list[Union[Role, PartialRole, int]]]` Which roles to include in the prune Returns ------- `int` The amount of members that would be pruned """ _roles = [] for r in include_roles or []: if isinstance(r, int): _roles.append(str(r)) else: _roles.append(str( r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/prune", params={ "days": days, "include_roles": ",".join(_roles) } ) return int(r.response["pruned"])
[docs] async def begin_guild_prune( self, *, days: Optional[int] = 7, compute_prune_count: bool = True, include_roles: Optional[list[Union[Role, PartialRole, int]]] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[int]: """ Begin a guild prune Parameters ---------- days: `Optional[int]` How many days of inactivity to prune for compute_prune_count: `bool` Whether to return the amount of members that would be pruned include_roles: `Optional[list[Union[Role, PartialRole, int]]]` Which roles to include in the prune reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for beginning the prune Returns ------- `Optional[int]` The amount of members that were pruned """ payload = { "days": days, "compute_prune_count": compute_prune_count } _roles = [] for r in include_roles or []: if isinstance(r, int): _roles.append(str(r)) else: _roles.append(str( payload["include_roles"] = _roles or None r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/prune", json=payload, reason=reason ) try: return int(r.response["pruned"]) except (KeyError, TypeError): return None
[docs] def get_partial_scheduled_event( self, id: int ) -> PartialScheduledEvent: """ Creates a partial scheduled event object. Parameters ---------- id: `int` The ID of the scheduled event. Returns ------- `PartialScheduledEvent` The partial scheduled event object. """ return PartialScheduledEvent( state=self._state, id=id, )
[docs] async def fetch_scheduled_event( self, id: int ) -> ScheduledEvent: """ Fetches a scheduled event object. Parameters ---------- id: `int` The ID of the scheduled event. Returns ------- `ScheduledEvent` The scheduled event object. """ event = self.get_partial_scheduled_event(id) return await event.fetch()
[docs] def get_partial_role(self, role_id: int) -> PartialRole: """ Get a partial role object Parameters ---------- role_id: `int` The ID of the role Returns ------- `PartialRole` The partial role object """ return PartialRole( state=self._state, id=role_id, )
[docs] def get_partial_channel(self, channel_id: int) -> "PartialChannel": """ Get a partial channel object Parameters ---------- channel_id: `int` The ID of the channel Returns ------- `PartialChannel` The partial channel object """ from .channel import PartialChannel return PartialChannel( state=self._state, id=channel_id, )
[docs] async def fetch_channel(self, channel_id: int) -> "BaseChannel": """ Fetch a channel from the guild Parameters ---------- channel_id: `int` The ID of the channel Returns ------- `BaseChannel` The channel object """ channel = self.get_partial_channel(channel_id) return await channel.fetch()
[docs] def get_partial_emoji(self, emoji_id: int) -> PartialEmoji: """ Get a partial emoji object Parameters ---------- emoji_id: `int` The ID of the emoji Returns ------- `PartialEmoji` The partial emoji object """ return PartialEmoji( state=self._state, id=emoji_id, )
[docs] def get_partial_soundboard_sound(self, sound_id: int) -> PartialSoundboardSound: """ Get a partial soundboard sound object Parameters ---------- sound_id: `int` The ID of the sound Returns ------- `PartialEmoji` The partial soundboard sound object """ return PartialSoundboardSound( state=self._state, id=sound_id, )
[docs] async def fetch_soundboard_sound(self, sound_id: int) -> SoundboardSound: """ `SoundboardSound`: Fetches a soundboard sound from the guild """ sound = self.get_partial_soundboard_sound(sound_id) return await sound.fetch()
[docs] async def fetch_emoji(self, emoji_id: int) -> Emoji: """ `Emoji`: Fetches an emoji from the guild """ emoji = self.get_partial_emoji(emoji_id) return await emoji.fetch()
[docs] def get_partial_sticker(self, sticker_id: int) -> PartialSticker: """ Get a partial sticker object Parameters ---------- sticker_id: `int` The ID of the sticker Returns ------- `PartialSticker` The partial sticker object """ return PartialSticker( state=self._state, id=sticker_id, )
[docs] async def fetch_sticker(self, sticker_id: int) -> Sticker: """ Fetch a sticker from the guild Parameters ---------- sticker_id: `int` The ID of the sticker Returns ------- `Sticker` The sticker object """ sticker = self.get_partial_sticker(sticker_id) return await sticker.fetch()
[docs] def get_partial_member(self, member_id: int) -> "PartialMember": """ Get a partial member object Parameters ---------- member_id: `int` The ID of the member Returns ------- `PartialMember` The partial member object """ from .member import PartialMember return PartialMember( state=self._state, id=member_id, )
[docs] async def fetch_member(self, member_id: int) -> "Member": """ Fetch a member from the guild Parameters ---------- member_id: `int` The ID of the member Returns ------- `Member` The member object """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/members/{member_id}" ) from .member import Member return Member( state=self._state, guild=self, data=r.response )
[docs] async def fetch_public_threads(self) -> list["PublicThread"]: """ Fetches all the public threads in the guild Returns ------- `list[PublicThread]` The public threads in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/threads/active" ) from .channel import PublicThread return [ PublicThread( state=self._state, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_members( self, *, limit: Optional[int] = 1000, after: Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]] = None ) -> AsyncIterator["Member"]: """ Fetches all the members in the guild Parameters ---------- limit: `Optional[int]` The maximum amount of members to return after: `Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]]` The member to start after Yields ------ `Members` The members in the guild """ from .member import Member while True: http_limit = 1000 if limit is None else min(limit, 1000) if http_limit <= 0: break after_id = after or 0 if isinstance(after, Snowflake): after_id = data = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/members?limit={http_limit}&after={after_id}", ) if not data.response: return if len(data.response) < 1000: limit = 0 after = int(data.response[-1]["user"]["id"]) for member_data in data.response: yield Member( state=self._state, guild=self, data=member_data )
[docs] async def fetch_regions(self) -> list["VoiceRegion"]: """ `list[VoiceRegion]`: Fetches all the voice regions for the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/regions" ) return [ VoiceRegion(data=data) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_invites(self) -> list["Invite"]: """ `list[Invite]`: Fetches all the invites for the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/invites" ) from .invite import Invite return [ Invite( state=self._state, data=data ) for data in r.response ]
def _ban_delete_time_converter( self, delete_message_days: int | None = 0, delete_message_seconds: int | None = 0, ) -> int: _delete_seconds = 0 if delete_message_days and delete_message_seconds: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both delete_message_days and delete_message_seconds") if delete_message_days: if delete_message_days not in range(0, 8): raise ValueError("delete_message_days must be between 0 and 7") _delete_seconds = int(timedelta(days=delete_message_days).total_seconds()) if delete_message_seconds: if delete_message_seconds not in range(0, 604801): raise ValueError("delete_message_seconds must be between 0 and 604,800") _delete_seconds = delete_message_seconds return _delete_seconds
[docs] async def bulk_ban( self, *members: "Member | PartialMember | int", delete_message_days: int | None = 0, delete_message_seconds: int | None = 0, reason: str | None = None, ) -> list["PartialMember"]: """ Ban multiple members from the server Parameters ---------- *members: `Union[Member, PartialMember, int]` The members to ban """ payload: dict[str, list[str] | int] = { # To avoid duplicate IDs, we use set() "user_ids": list(set([str(int(g)) for g in members])) } if not payload["user_ids"]: raise ValueError("Cannot ban an empty list of members") if len(payload["user_ids"]) > 200: # type: ignore raise ValueError("Cannot ban more than 200 members at once") if delete_message_days or delete_message_seconds: payload["delete_message_seconds"] = self._ban_delete_time_converter( delete_message_days=delete_message_days, delete_message_seconds=delete_message_seconds ) r = await self._state.query( "POST", f"/guilds/{}/bulk-ban", reason=reason, json=payload ) banned_users = r.response.get("banned_users", []) if not banned_users: return [] from .member import PartialMember return [ PartialMember( state=self._state, id=int(g), ) for g in banned_users ]
[docs] async def ban( self, member: "Member | PartialMember | int", *, delete_message_days: int | None = 0, delete_message_seconds: int | None = 0, reason: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Ban a member from the server Parameters ---------- member: `Union[Member, PartialMember, int]` The member to ban reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for banning the member delete_message_days: `Optional[int]` How many days of messages to delete delete_message_seconds: `Optional[int]` How many seconds of messages to delete """ payload = {} if delete_message_days or delete_message_seconds: payload["delete_message_seconds"] = self._ban_delete_time_converter( delete_message_days=delete_message_days, delete_message_seconds=delete_message_seconds ) await self._state.query( "PUT", f"/guilds/{}/bans/{int(member)}", reason=reason, json=payload )
[docs] async def unban( self, member: Union["Member", "PartialMember", int], *, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Unban a member from the server Parameters ---------- member: `Union[Member, PartialMember, int]` The member to unban reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for unbanning the member """ await self._state.query( "DELETE", f"/guilds/{}/bans/{int(member)}", reason=reason, res_method="text" )
[docs] async def kick( self, member: Union["Member", "PartialMember", int], *, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Kick a member from the server Parameters ---------- member: `Union[Member, PartialMember, int]` The member to kick reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for kicking the member """ await self._state.query( "DELETE", f"/guilds/{}/members/{int(member)}", reason=reason, res_method="text" )
[docs] async def fetch_channels(self) -> list[type["BaseChannel"]]: """ `list[BaseChannel]`: Fetches all the channels in the guild """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/channels" ) from .channel import PartialChannel return [ PartialChannel.from_dict( state=self._state, data=data # type: ignore ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_audit_logs( self, *, before: Optional[Union[datetime, "AuditLogEntry", Snowflake, int]] = None, after: Optional[Union[datetime, "AuditLogEntry", Snowflake, int]] = None, user: Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]] = None, action: Optional[AuditLogType] = None, limit: Optional[int] = 100, ) -> AsyncIterator["AuditLogEntry"]: """ Fetches the audit logs for the guild Parameters ---------- before: `Optional[Union[datetime, AuditLogEntry, Snowflake, int]]` Consider only entries before given entry after: `Optional[Union[datetime, AuditLogEntry, Snowflake, int]]` Consider only entries after given entry user: `Optional[Union[Snowflake, int]]` Consider only entries made by given user action: `Optional[AuditLogType]` Consider only entries with given action limit: `Optional[int]` The maximum amount of messages to fetch. Returns ------- `list[AuditLogEntry]` The audit logs for the guild """ async def _get_history(limit: int, **kwargs): params = {"limit": limit} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is None: continue params[key] = utils.normalize_entity_id(value) return await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/audit-logs", params=params ) async def _after_http( http_limit: int, after_id: Optional[int], limit: Optional[int], **kwargs ): r = await _get_history(limit=http_limit, after=after_id, **kwargs) _data = r.response.get("audit_log_entries", []) if _data: if limit is not None: limit -= len(_data) after_id = int(_data[0]["id"]) return r.response, after_id, limit async def _before_http( http_limit: int, before_id: Optional[int], limit: Optional[int], **kwargs ): r = await _get_history(limit=http_limit, before=before_id, **kwargs) _data = r.response.get("audit_log_entries", []) if _data: if limit is not None: limit -= len(_data) before_id = int(_data[-1]["id"]) return r.response, before_id, limit if after: strategy, state = _after_http, utils.normalize_entity_id(after) elif before: strategy, state = _before_http, utils.normalize_entity_id(before) else: strategy, state = _before_http, None # Avoid circular import, fun times... from .audit import AuditLogEntry from .user import User search_kwargs = {} if user is not None: search_kwargs["user_id"] = utils.normalize_entity_id(user) if action is not None: search_kwargs["action_type"] = int(action) while True: http_limit: int = 100 if limit is None else min(limit, 100) if http_limit <= 0: break strategy: Callable data, state, limit = await strategy(http_limit, state, limit, **search_kwargs) _users = { int(g["id"]): User( state=self._state, data=g ) for g in data.get("users", []) } i = 0 for i, entry in enumerate(data["audit_log_entries"], start=1): yield AuditLogEntry( state=self._state, data=entry, guild=self, users=_users ) if i < 100: break
[docs] async def search_members( self, query: str, *, limit: Optional[int] = 100 ) -> list["Member"]: """ Search for members in the guild Parameters ---------- query: `str` The query to search for limit: `Optional[int]` The maximum amount of members to return Returns ------- `list[Member]` The members that matched the query Raises ------ `ValueError` If the limit is not between 1 and 1000 """ if limit not in range(1, 1001): raise ValueError("Limit must be between 1 and 1000") r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/members/search", params={ "query": query, "limit": limit } ) from .member import Member return [ Member( state=self._state, guild=self, data=m ) for m in r.response ]
[docs] async def fetch_integrations(self) -> list["Integration"]: """Fetches the integrations for the guild. This requires the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission. Returns ------- `list[Integration]` The integrations in the guild. """ r = await self._state.query( "GET", f"/guilds/{}/integrations" ) from .integrations import Integration return [ Integration( state=self._state, data=data, guild=self ) for data in r.response ]
[docs] async def delete(self) -> None: """ Delete the guild (the bot must own the server) """ await self._state.query( "DELETE", f"/guilds/{}", res_method="text" )
[docs] async def edit( self, *, name: Optional[str] = MISSING, verification_level: Optional[VerificationLevel] = MISSING, default_message_notifications: Optional[DefaultNotificationLevel] = MISSING, explicit_content_filter: Optional[ContentFilterLevel] = MISSING, afk_channel_id: Union["VoiceChannel", "PartialChannel", int, None] = MISSING, afk_timeout: Optional[int] = MISSING, icon: Optional[Union[File, bytes]] = MISSING, owner_id: Union["Member", "PartialMember", int, None] = MISSING, splash: Optional[Union[File, bytes]] = MISSING, discovery_splash: Optional[File] = MISSING, banner: Optional[Union[File, bytes]] = MISSING, system_channel_id: Union["TextChannel", "PartialChannel", int, None] = MISSING, system_channel_flags: Optional[SystemChannelFlags] = MISSING, rules_channel_id: Union["TextChannel", "PartialChannel", int, None] = MISSING, public_updates_channel_id: Union["TextChannel", "PartialChannel", int, None] = MISSING, preferred_locale: Optional[str] = MISSING, description: Optional[str] = MISSING, features: Optional[list[str]] = MISSING, premium_progress_bar_enabled: Optional[bool] = MISSING, safety_alerts_channel_id: Union["TextChannel", "PartialChannel", int, None] = MISSING, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> "PartialGuild": """ Edit the guild Parameters ---------- name: `Optional[str]` New name of the guild verification_level: `Optional[VerificationLevel]` Verification level of the guild default_message_notifications: `Optional[DefaultNotificationLevel]` Default message notification level of the guild explicit_content_filter: `Optional[ContentFilterLevel]` Explicit content filter level of the guild afk_channel_id: `Optional[Union[VoiceChannel, PartialChannel, int]]` AFK channel of the guild afk_timeout: `Optional[int]` AFK timeout of the guild icon: `Optional[File]` Icon of the guild owner_id: `Optional[Union[Member, PartialMember, int]]` Owner of the guild splash: `Optional[File]` Splash of the guild discovery_splash: `Optional[File]` Discovery splash of the guild banner: `Optional[File]` Banner of the guild system_channel_id: `Optional[Union[TextChannel, PartialChannel, int]]` System channel of the guild system_channel_flags: `Optional[SystemChannelFlags]` System channel flags of the guild rules_channel_id: `Optional[Union[TextChannel, PartialChannel, int]]` Rules channel of the guild public_updates_channel_id: `Optional[Union[TextChannel, PartialChannel, int]]` Public updates channel of the guild preferred_locale: `Optional[str]` Preferred locale of the guild description: `Optional[str]` Description of the guild features: `Optional[list[str]]` Features of the guild premium_progress_bar_enabled: `Optional[bool]` Whether the premium progress bar is enabled safety_alerts_channel_id: `Optional[Union[TextChannel, PartialChannel, int]]` Safety alerts channel of the guild reason: `Optional[str]` The reason for editing the guild Returns ------- `PartialGuild` The edited guild """ payload = {} if name is not MISSING: payload["name"] = name if verification_level is not MISSING: payload["verification_level"] = int(verification_level or 0) if default_message_notifications is not MISSING: payload["default_message_notifications"] = int(default_message_notifications or 0) if explicit_content_filter is not MISSING: payload["explicit_content_filter"] = int(explicit_content_filter or 0) if afk_channel_id is not MISSING: payload["afk_channel_id"] = str(int(afk_channel_id)) if afk_channel_id else None if afk_timeout is not MISSING: payload["afk_timeout"] = int(afk_timeout or 0) if icon is not MISSING: payload["icon"] = utils.bytes_to_base64(icon) if icon else None if owner_id is not MISSING: payload["owner_id"] = str(int(owner_id)) if owner_id else None if splash is not MISSING: payload["splash"] = ( utils.bytes_to_base64(splash) if splash else None ) if discovery_splash is not MISSING: payload["discovery_splash"] = ( utils.bytes_to_base64(discovery_splash) if discovery_splash else None ) if banner is not MISSING: payload["banner"] = ( utils.bytes_to_base64(banner) if banner else None ) if system_channel_id is not MISSING: payload["system_channel_id"] = ( str(int(system_channel_id)) if system_channel_id else None ) if system_channel_flags is not MISSING: payload["system_channel_flags"] = ( int(system_channel_flags) if system_channel_flags else None ) if rules_channel_id is not MISSING: payload["rules_channel_id"] = ( str(int(rules_channel_id)) if rules_channel_id else None ) if public_updates_channel_id is not MISSING: payload["public_updates_channel_id"] = ( str(int(public_updates_channel_id)) if public_updates_channel_id else None ) if preferred_locale is not MISSING: payload["preferred_locale"] = str(preferred_locale) if description is not MISSING: payload["description"] = str(description) if features is not MISSING: payload["features"] = features if premium_progress_bar_enabled is not MISSING: payload["premium_progress_bar_enabled"] = bool(premium_progress_bar_enabled) if safety_alerts_channel_id is not MISSING: payload["safety_alerts_channel_id"] = ( str(int(safety_alerts_channel_id)) if safety_alerts_channel_id else None ) r = await self._state.query( "PATCH", f"/guilds/{}", json=payload, reason=reason ) return Guild( state=self._state, data=r.response )
[docs] class Guild(PartialGuild): _GUILD_LIMITS: dict[int, _GuildLimits] = { 0: _GuildLimits(emojis=50, stickers=5, bitrate=96_000, filesize=26_214_400, soundboards=8), 1: _GuildLimits(emojis=100, stickers=15, bitrate=128_000, filesize=26_214_400, soundboards=24), 2: _GuildLimits(emojis=150, stickers=30, bitrate=256_000, filesize=52_428_800, soundboards=36), 3: _GuildLimits(emojis=250, stickers=60, bitrate=384_000, filesize=104_857_600, soundboards=48), } def __init__(self, *, state: "DiscordAPI", data: dict): super().__init__(state=state, id=int(data["id"])) self.afk_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "afk_channel_id") self.afk_timeout: int = data.get("afk_timeout", 0) self.default_message_notifications: int = data.get("default_message_notifications", 0) self.description: Optional[str] = data.get("description", None) self._icon = data.get("icon", None) self._banner = data.get("banner", None) self.explicit_content_filter: int = data.get("explicit_content_filter", 0) self.features: list[str] = data.get("features", []) self.latest_onboarding_question_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "latest_onboarding_question_id") self.max_members: int = data.get("max_members", 0) self.max_stage_video_channel_users: int = data.get("max_stage_video_channel_users", 0) self.max_video_channel_users: int = data.get("max_video_channel_users", 0) self.mfa_level: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "mfa_level") str = data["name"] self.nsfw: bool = data.get("nsfw", False) self.nsfw_level: int = data.get("nsfw_level", 0) self.owner_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "owner_id") self.preferred_locale: Optional[str] = data.get("preferred_locale", None) self.premium_progress_bar_enabled: bool = data.get("premium_progress_bar_enabled", False) self.premium_subscription_count: int = data.get("premium_subscription_count", 0) self.premium_tier: int = data.get("premium_tier", 0) self.public_updates_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "public_updates_channel_id") self.region: Optional[str] = data.get("region", None) self.safety_alerts_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "safety_alerts_channel_id") self.system_channel_flags: int = data.get("system_channel_flags", 0) self.system_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "system_channel_id") self.vanity_url_code: Optional[str] = data.get("vanity_url_code", None) self.verification_level: VerificationLevel = VerificationLevel(data.get("verification_level", 0)) self.widget_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "widget_channel_id") self.widget_enabled: bool = data.get("widget_enabled", False) self._from_data(data) def __str__(self) -> str: return def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Guild id={} name='{}'>" def _from_data(self, data: dict) -> None: self._cache_roles = { int(g["id"]): Role( state=self._state, guild=self, data=g ) for g in data["roles"] } self._cache_emojis = { int(g["id"]): Emoji( state=self._state, guild=self, data=g ) for g in data["emojis"] } self._cache_stickers = { int(g["id"]): Sticker( state=self._state, guild=self, data=g ) for g in data["stickers"] } if data.get("member_count", None): self.member_count = data["member_count"] def _update(self, data: dict) -> None: """ Update the guild from the data """ self.afk_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "afk_channel_id") self.afk_timeout: int = data.get("afk_timeout", 0) self.default_message_notifications: int = data.get("default_message_notifications", 0) self.description: Optional[str] = data.get("description", None) self.explicit_content_filter: int = data.get("explicit_content_filter", 0) self.features: list[str] = data.get("features", []) self.latest_onboarding_question_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "latest_onboarding_question_id") self.max_members: int = data.get("max_members", 0) self.max_stage_video_channel_users: int = data.get("max_stage_video_channel_users", 0) self.max_video_channel_users: int = data.get("max_video_channel_users", 0) self.mfa_level: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "mfa_level") str = data["name"] self.nsfw: bool = data.get("nsfw", False) self.nsfw_level: int = data.get("nsfw_level", 0) self.owner_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "owner_id") self.preferred_locale: Optional[str] = data.get("preferred_locale", None) self.premium_progress_bar_enabled: bool = data.get("premium_progress_bar_enabled", False) self.premium_subscription_count: int = data.get("premium_subscription_count", 0) self.premium_tier: int = data.get("premium_tier", 0) self.public_updates_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "public_updates_channel_id") self.region: Optional[str] = data.get("region", None) self.safety_alerts_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "safety_alerts_channel_id") self.system_channel_flags: int = data.get("system_channel_flags", 0) self.system_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "system_channel_id") self.vanity_url_code: Optional[str] = data.get("vanity_url_code", None) self.verification_level: VerificationLevel = VerificationLevel(data.get("verification_level", 0)) self.widget_channel_id: Optional[int] = utils.get_int(data, "widget_channel_id") self.widget_enabled: bool = data.get("widget_enabled", False) @property def emojis_limit(self) -> int: """ `int`: The maximum amount of emojis the guild can have """ return max( 200 if "MORE_EMOJI" in self.features else 50, self._GUILD_LIMITS[self.premium_tier].emojis ) @property def stickers_limit(self) -> int: """ `int`: The maximum amount of stickers the guild can have """ return max( 60 if "MORE_STICKERS" in self.features else 0, self._GUILD_LIMITS[self.premium_tier].stickers ) @property def bitrate_limit(self) -> int: """ `float`: The maximum bitrate the guild can have """ return max( self._GUILD_LIMITS[1].bitrate if "VIP_REGIONS" in self.features else 96_000, self._GUILD_LIMITS[self.premium_tier].bitrate ) @property def filesize_limit(self) -> int: """ `int`: The maximum filesize the guild can have """ return self._GUILD_LIMITS[self.premium_tier].filesize @property def icon(self) -> Optional[Asset]: """ `Optional[Asset]`: The guild's icon """ if self._icon is None: return None return Asset._from_guild_image(self._state,, self._icon, path="icons") @property def banner(self) -> Optional[Asset]: """ `Optional[Asset]`: The guild's banner """ if self._banner is None: return None return Asset._from_guild_image(self._state,, self._banner, path="banners") @property def default_role(self) -> Role: """ `Role`: The guild's default role, which is always provided """ role = self.get_role( if not role: raise ValueError("The default Guild role was somehow not found...?") return role @property def premium_subscriber_role(self) -> Optional[Role]: """ `Optional[Role]`: The guild's premium subscriber role if available """ return next( (r for r in self.roles if isinstance(r, Role) and r.is_premium_subscriber()), None ) @property def self_role(self) -> Optional[Role]: """ `Optional[Role]`: The guild's bot role if available """ return next( ( r for r in self.roles if isinstance(r, Role) and r.bot_id and r.bot_id == self._state.application_id ), None )
[docs] def get_role(self, role_id: int) -> Optional[Role]: """ Get a role from the guild This simply returns the role from the role list in this object if it exists Parameters ---------- role_id: `int` The ID of the role to get Returns ------- `Optional[Role]` The role if it exists, else `None` """ return next(( r for r in self.roles if isinstance(r, Role) and == role_id ), None)
[docs] def get_role_by_name(self, role_name: str) -> Optional[Role]: """ Gets the first role with the specified name Parameters ---------- role_name: `str` The name of the role to get (case sensitive) Returns ------- `Optional[Role]` The role if it exists, else `None` """ return next(( r for r in self.roles if isinstance(r, Role) and == role_name ), None)
@property def me(self) -> "Member | PartialMember | None": """ `Optional[Member]`: Returns the bot's member object. Only useable if you are using gateway and caching """ return self.get_member(
[docs] def get_member_top_role(self, member: "Member") -> Optional[Role]: """ Get the top role of a member, because Discord API does not order roles Parameters ---------- member: `Member` The member to get the top role of Returns ------- `Optional[Role]` The top role of the member """ if not getattr(member, "roles", None): return None _roles_sorted = sorted( [r for r in self.roles if isinstance(r, Role)], key=lambda r: r.position, reverse=True ) return next(( r for r in _roles_sorted if in member.roles ), None)