Source code for discord_http.errors

import time

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from .flags import Permissions
from .cooldowns import Cooldown

    from .http import HTTPResponse

__all__ = (

[docs] class DiscordException(Exception): """ Base exception for discord_http """ pass
[docs] class CheckFailed(DiscordException): """ Raised whenever a check fails """ pass
[docs] class InvalidMember(CheckFailed): """ Raised whenever a user was found, but not a member of a guild """ pass
[docs] class CommandError(Exception): """ Raised whenever a command error occurs """ pass
[docs] class CommandOnCooldown(CheckFailed): def __init__(self, cooldown: Cooldown, retry_after: float): self.cooldown: Cooldown = cooldown self.retry_after: float = retry_after self.retry_after_ts: float = int(time.time() + retry_after) self.discord_format: str = f"<t:{self.retry_after_ts}:R>" super().__init__(f"Command is on cooldown, try again {self.discord_format}")
[docs] class UserMissingPermissions(CheckFailed): """ Raised whenever a user is missing permissions """ def __init__(self, perms: Permissions): self.permissions = perms super().__init__(f"Missing permissions: {', '.join(perms.list_names)}")
[docs] class BotMissingPermissions(CheckFailed): """ Raised whenever a bot is missing permissions """ def __init__(self, perms: Permissions): self.permissions = perms super().__init__(f"Bot is missing permissions: {', '.join(perms.list_names)}")
[docs] class HTTPException(DiscordException): """ Base exception for HTTP requests """ def __init__(self, r: "HTTPResponse"): self.request = r self.status: int = r.status self.code: int self.text: str if isinstance(r.response, dict): self.code = r.response.get("code", 0) self.text = r.response.get( "message", str(r.response) # Fallback to raw response ) if r.response.get("errors", None): self.text += f"\n{r.response['errors']}" else: self.text: str = str(r.response) self.code = 0 error_text = f"HTTP {self.request.status} > {self.request.reason} (code: {self.code})" if len(self.text): error_text += f": {self.text}" super().__init__(error_text)
[docs] class NotFound(HTTPException): """ Raised whenever a HTTP request returns 404 """ pass
[docs] class Forbidden(HTTPException): """ Raised whenever a HTTP request returns 403 """ pass
[docs] class AutomodBlock(HTTPException): """ Raised whenever a HTTP request was blocked by Discord """ pass
[docs] class Ratelimited(HTTPException): """ Raised whenever a HTTP request returns 429, but without a Retry-After header """ pass
[docs] class DiscordServerError(HTTPException): """ Raised whenever an unexpected HTTP error occurs """ pass