Source code for discord_http.embeds

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Self, Literal

from .asset import Asset
from .colour import Colour

__all__ = (

EmbedTypes = Literal["rich", "image", "video", "gifv", "article", "link", "poll_result"]

[docs] class Embed: def __init__( self, *, title: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, colour: Colour | int | None = None, color: Colour | int | None = None, url: str | None = None, timestamp: datetime | None = None, ): self.colour: Colour | int | None = None if colour is not None: self.colour = Colour(int(colour)) elif color is not None: self.colour = Colour(int(color)) self.title: str | None = title self.description: str | None = description self.timestamp: datetime | None = timestamp self.url: str | None = url self.type: EmbedTypes = "rich" self.footer: dict = {} self.image: dict = {} self.thumbnail: dict = {} dict = {} self.fields: list[dict] = [] if self.title is not None: self.title = str(self.title) if self.description is not None: self.description = str(self.description) if timestamp is not None: self.timestamp = timestamp def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Embed title={self.title} colour={self.colour}>"
[docs] def copy(self) -> Self: """ `Embed`: Returns a copy of the embed """ return self.__class__.from_dict(self.to_dict())
[docs] def set_colour( self, value: Colour | int | None ) -> Self: """ Set the colour of the embed Parameters ---------- value: `Optional[Union[Colour, int]]` The colour to set the embed to. If `None`, the colour will be removed Returns ------- `Self` Returns the embed you are editing """ if value is None: self._colour = None else: self._colour = Colour(int(value)) return self
[docs] def set_author( self, *, name: str, url: str | None = None, icon_url: Asset | str | None = None ) -> Self: """ Set the author of the embed Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name of the author url: `Optional[str]` The URL which the author name will link to icon_url: `Optional[Union[Asset, str]]` The icon URL of the author Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """["name"] = str(name) if url is not None:["url"] = str(url) if icon_url is not None:["icon_url"] = str(icon_url) return self
[docs] def remove_author(self) -> Self: """ Remove the author from the embed Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """ = {} return self
[docs] def set_image( self, *, url: Asset | str | None = None ) -> Self: """ Set the image of the embed Parameters ---------- url: `Optional[Union[Asset, str]]` The URL of the image Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """ if url is not None: self.image["url"] = str(url) else: self.image.clear() return self
[docs] def remove_image(self) -> Self: """ Remove the image from the embed Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """ self.image = {} return self
[docs] def set_thumbnail( self, *, url: Asset | str | None = None ) -> Self: """ Set the thumbnail of the embed Parameters ---------- url: `Optional[Union[Asset, str]]` The URL of the thumbnail Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """ if url is not None: self.thumbnail["url"] = str(url) else: self.thumbnail.clear() return self
[docs] def remove_thumbnail(self) -> Self: """ Remove the thumbnail from the embed Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """ self.thumbnail = {} return self
[docs] def add_field( self, *, name: str, value: str, inline: bool = True ) -> Self: """ Add a field to the embed Parameters ---------- name: `str` Title of the field value: `str` Description of the field inline: `bool` Whether the field is inline or not Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """ self.fields.append({ "name": str(name), "value": str(value), "inline": inline, }) return self
[docs] def remove_field(self, index: int) -> Self: """ Remove a field from the embed Parameters ---------- index: `int` The index of the field to remove Returns ------- `Embed` Returns the embed you are editing """ try: del self.fields[index] except IndexError: pass return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> Self: """ Create an embed from a dictionary Parameters ---------- data: `dict` The dictionary to create the embed from Returns ------- `Embed` The embed created from the dictionary """ self = cls.__new__(cls) self.colour = None if data.get("color", None) is not None: self.colour = Colour(data["color"]) self.title = data.get("title", None) self.description = data.get("description", None) self.timestamp = data.get("timestamp", None) self.url = data.get("url", None) self.type = data.get("type", "rich") self.footer = data.get("footer", {}) self.image = data.get("image", {}) self.thumbnail = data.get("thumbnail", {}) = data.get("author", {}) self.fields = data.get("fields", []) return self
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ `dict`: The embed as a dictionary """ embed = {} if self.title: embed["title"] = self.title if self.description: embed["description"] = self.description if self.url: embed["url"] = self.url if embed["author"] = if self.colour: embed["color"] = int(self.colour) if self.footer: embed["footer"] = self.footer if self.image: embed["image"] = self.image if self.thumbnail: embed["thumbnail"] = self.thumbnail if self.fields: embed["fields"] = self.fields if self.timestamp: if isinstance(self.timestamp, datetime): if self.timestamp.tzinfo is None: self.timestamp = self.timestamp.astimezone() embed["timestamp"] = self.timestamp.isoformat() return embed