Source code for discord_http.context

import inspect
import logging
import asyncio

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Union, Optional, Any, Self
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from . import utils
from .channel import (
    TextChannel, DMChannel, VoiceChannel,
    GroupDMChannel, CategoryChannel, NewsThread,
    PublicThread, PrivateThread, StageChannel,
    DirectoryChannel, ForumChannel, StoreChannel,
    NewsChannel, BaseChannel, PartialChannel
from .cooldowns import Cooldown
from .embeds import Embed
from .errors import CheckFailed
from .entitlements import Entitlements
from .enums import (
    ApplicationCommandType, CommandOptionType,
    ResponseType, ChannelType, InteractionType
from .file import File
from .multipart import MultipartData
from .flags import Permissions, MessageFlags
from .guild import Guild, PartialGuild
from .member import Member
from .mentions import AllowedMentions
from .message import Message, Attachment, Poll, WebhookMessage
from .response import (
    MessageResponse, DeferResponse,
    AutocompleteResponse, ModalResponse,
from .role import Role
from .user import User
from .view import View, Modal

    from .client import Client
    from .commands import Command, LocaleTypes

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


channel_types = {
    int(ChannelType.guild_text): TextChannel,
    int( DMChannel,
    int(ChannelType.guild_voice): VoiceChannel,
    int(ChannelType.group_dm): GroupDMChannel,
    int(ChannelType.guild_category): CategoryChannel,
    int(ChannelType.guild_news): NewsChannel,
    int(ChannelType.guild_store): StoreChannel,
    int(ChannelType.guild_news_thread): NewsThread,
    int(ChannelType.guild_public_thread): PublicThread,
    int(ChannelType.guild_private_thread): PrivateThread,
    int(ChannelType.guild_stage_voice): StageChannel,
    int(ChannelType.guild_directory): DirectoryChannel,
    int(ChannelType.guild_forum): ForumChannel,

__all__ = (

class _ResolveParser:
    def __init__(self, ctx: "Context", data: dict):
        self._parsed_data = {
            "members": [], "users": [],
            "channels": [], "roles": [],
            "strings": [],

        self._from_data(ctx, data)

    def _from_data(self, ctx: "Context", data: dict):
        self._parsed_data["strings"] = data.get("data", {}).get("values", [])

        _resolved = data.get("data", {}).get("resolved", {})
        data_to_resolve = ["members", "users", "channels", "roles"]

        for key in data_to_resolve:
            self._parse_resolved(ctx, key, _resolved)

    def none(cls, ctx: "Context") -> Self:
        """ `SelectValues`: with no values """
        return cls(ctx, {})

    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
        """ `bool`: Whether no values were selected """
        return not any(self._parsed_data.values())

    def _parse_resolved(self, ctx: "Context", key: str, data: dict):
        if not data.get(key, {}):
            return None

        for g in data[key]:
            if key == "members":
                data["members"][g]["user"] = data["users"][g]

            to_append: list = self._parsed_data[key]
            _data = data[key][g]

            match key:
                case "members":
                    if not ctx.guild:
                        raise ValueError("While parsing members, guild object was not available")
                    to_append.append(Member(, guild=ctx.guild, data=_data))

                case "users":
                    to_append.append(User(, data=_data))

                case "channels":
                    to_append.append(channel_types[_data["type"]](, data=_data))

                case "roles":
                    if not ctx.guild:
                        raise ValueError("While parsing roles, guild object was not available")
                    to_append.append(Role(, guild=ctx.guild, data=_data))

                case _:

class ResolvedValues(_ResolveParser):
    def __init__(self, ctx: "Context", data: dict):
        super().__init__(ctx, data)

    def members(self) -> list[Member]:
        """ `List[Member]`: of members resolved """
        return self._parsed_data["members"]

    def users(self) -> list[User]:
        """ `List[User]`: of users resolved """
        return self._parsed_data["users"]

    def channels(self) -> list[BaseChannel]:
        """ `List[BaseChannel]`: of channels resolved """
        return self._parsed_data["channels"]

    def roles(self) -> list[Role]:
        """ `List[Role]`: of roles resolved """
        return self._parsed_data["roles"]

class SelectValues(ResolvedValues):
    def __init__(self, ctx: "Context", data: dict):
        super().__init__(ctx, data)

    def strings(self) -> list[str]:
        """ `List[str]`: of strings selected """
        return self._parsed_data["strings"]

[docs] class InteractionResponse: def __init__(self, parent: "Context"): self._parent = parent
[docs] def pong(self) -> dict: """ Only used to acknowledge a ping from Discord Developer portal Interaction URL """ return {"type": 1}
[docs] def defer( self, ephemeral: bool = False, thinking: bool = False, flags: MessageFlags | None = MISSING, call_after: Callable | None = None ) -> DeferResponse: """ Defer the response to the interaction Parameters ---------- ephemeral: `bool` If the response should be ephemeral (show only to the user) thinking: `bool` If the response should show the "thinking" status flags: `Optional[int]` The flags of the message (overrides ephemeral) call_after: `Optional[Callable]` A coroutine to run after the response is sent Returns ------- `DeferResponse` The response to the interaction Raises ------ `TypeError` If `call_after` is not a coroutine """ if call_after: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(call_after): raise TypeError("call_after must be a coroutine") self._parent._background_task_manager(call_after) ) return DeferResponse(ephemeral=ephemeral, thinking=thinking, flags=flags)
[docs] def send_modal( self, modal: Modal, *, call_after: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> ModalResponse: """ Send a modal to the interaction Parameters ---------- modal: `Modal` The modal to send call_after: `Optional[Callable]` A coroutine to run after the response is sent Returns ------- `ModalResponse` The response to the interaction Raises ------ `TypeError` - If `modal` is not a `Modal` instance - If `call_after` is not a coroutine """ if not isinstance(modal, Modal): raise TypeError("modal must be a Modal instance") if call_after: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(call_after): raise TypeError("call_after must be a coroutine") self._parent._background_task_manager(call_after) ) return ModalResponse(modal=modal)
[docs] def send_empty( self, *, call_after: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> EmptyResponse: """ Send an empty response to the interaction Parameters ---------- call_after: `Optional[Callable]` A coroutine to run after the response is sent Returns ------- `EmptyResponse` The response to the interaction """ if call_after: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(call_after): raise TypeError("call_after must be a coroutine") self._parent._background_task_manager(call_after) ) return EmptyResponse()
[docs] def send_message( self, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, *, embed: Optional[Embed] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[list[Embed]] = MISSING, file: Optional[File] = MISSING, files: Optional[list[File]] = MISSING, ephemeral: Optional[bool] = False, view: Optional[View] = MISSING, tts: Optional[bool] = False, type: Union[ResponseType, int] = 4, allowed_mentions: Optional[AllowedMentions] = MISSING, poll: Optional[Poll] = MISSING, flags: Optional[MessageFlags] = MISSING, call_after: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> MessageResponse: """ Send a message to the interaction Parameters ---------- content: `Optional[str]` Content of the message embed: `Optional[Embed]` The embed to send embeds: `Optional[list[Embed]]` Multiple embeds to send file: `Optional[File]` A file to send files: `Optional[Union[list[File], File]]` Multiple files to send ephemeral: `bool` If the message should be ephemeral (show only to the user) view: `Optional[View]` Components to include in the message tts: `bool` Whether the message should be sent using text-to-speech type: `Optional[ResponseType]` The type of response to send allowed_mentions: `Optional[AllowedMentions]` Allowed mentions for the message flags: `Optional[int]` The flags of the message (overrides ephemeral) call_after: `Optional[Callable]` A coroutine to run after the response is sent Returns ------- `MessageResponse` The response to the interaction Raises ------ `ValueError` - If both `embed` and `embeds` are passed - If both `file` and `files` are passed `TypeError` If `call_after` is not a coroutine """ if call_after: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(call_after): raise TypeError("call_after must be a coroutine") self._parent._background_task_manager(call_after) ) if embed is not MISSING and embeds is not MISSING: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both embed and embeds") if file is not MISSING and files is not MISSING: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both file and files") if isinstance(embed, Embed): embeds = [embed] if isinstance(file, File): files = [file] return MessageResponse( content=content, embeds=embeds, ephemeral=ephemeral, view=view, tts=tts, attachments=files, type=type, poll=poll, flags=flags, allowed_mentions=( allowed_mentions or ) )
[docs] def edit_message( self, *, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, embed: Optional[Embed] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[list[Embed]] = MISSING, view: Optional[View] = MISSING, attachment: Optional[File] = MISSING, attachments: Optional[list[File]] = MISSING, allowed_mentions: Optional[AllowedMentions] = MISSING, flags: Optional[MessageFlags] = MISSING, call_after: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> MessageResponse: """ Edit the original message of the interaction Parameters ---------- content: `Optional[str]` Content of the message embed: `Optional[Embed]` Embed to edit the message with embeds: `Optional[list[Embed]]` Multiple embeds to edit the message with view: `Optional[View]` Components to include in the message attachment: `Optional[File]` New file to edit the message with attachments: `Optional[Union[list[File], File]]` Multiple new files to edit the message with allowed_mentions: `Optional[AllowedMentions]` Allowed mentions for the message flags: `Optional[int]` The flags of the message call_after: `Optional[Callable]` A coroutine to run after the response is sent Returns ------- `MessageResponse` The response to the interaction Raises ------ `ValueError` - If both `embed` and `embeds` are passed - If both `attachment` and `attachments` are passed `TypeError` If `call_after` is not a coroutine """ if call_after: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(call_after): raise TypeError("call_after must be a coroutine") self._parent._background_task_manager(call_after) ) if embed is not MISSING and embeds is not MISSING: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both embed and embeds") if attachment is not MISSING and attachments is not MISSING: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both attachment and attachments") if isinstance(embed, Embed): embeds = [embed] if isinstance(attachment, File): attachments = [attachment] return MessageResponse( content=content, embeds=embeds, attachments=attachments, view=view, type=int(ResponseType.update_message), flags=flags, allowed_mentions=( allowed_mentions or ) )
[docs] def send_autocomplete( self, choices: dict[Any, str] ) -> AutocompleteResponse: """ Send an autocomplete response to the interaction Parameters ---------- choices: `dict[Union[str, int, float], str]` The choices to send Returns ------- `AutocompleteResponse` The response to the interaction Raises ------ `TypeError` - If `choices` is not a `dict` - If `choices` is not a `dict[Union[str, int, float], str]` """ if not isinstance(choices, dict): raise TypeError("choices must be a dict") for k, v in choices.items(): if ( not isinstance(k, str) and not isinstance(k, int) and not isinstance(k, float) ): raise TypeError( f"key {k} must be a string, got {type(k)}" ) if (isinstance(k, int) or isinstance(k, float)) and k >= 2**53: _log.warning( f"'{k}: {v}' (int) is too large, " "Discord might ignore it and make autocomplete fail" ) if not isinstance(v, str): raise TypeError( f"value {v} must be a string, got {type(v)}" ) return AutocompleteResponse(choices)
[docs] class Context: def __init__( self, bot: "Client", data: dict ): = bot int = int(data["id"]) self.type: InteractionType = InteractionType(data["type"]) self.command_type: ApplicationCommandType = ApplicationCommandType( data.get("data", {}).get("type", ApplicationCommandType.chat_input) ) # Arguments that gets parsed on runtime self.command: Optional["Command"] = None self.app_permissions: Permissions = Permissions(int(data.get("app_permissions", 0))) self.custom_id: Optional[str] = data.get("data", {}).get("custom_id", None) self.resolved: ResolvedValues = ResolvedValues.none(self) self.select_values: SelectValues = SelectValues.none(self) self.modal_values: dict[str, str] = {} self.options: list[dict] = data.get("data", {}).get("options", []) self._followup_token: str = data.get("token", None) self._original_response: Optional[WebhookMessage] = None self._raw_resolved: dict = data.get("data", {}).get("resolved", {}) self.entitlements: list[Entitlements] = [ Entitlements(, data=g) for g in data.get("entitlements", []) ] self.last_message_id: int | None = None if data.get("channel", {}).get("last_message_id", None): self.last_message_id = int(data["channel"]["last_message_id"]) self.recipients: list[User] = [ User(, data=g) for g in data.get("channel", {}).get("recipients", []) ] self.locale: "LocaleTypes | None" = data.get("locale", None) self.guild_locale: "LocaleTypes | None" = data.get("guild_locale", None) # Should not be used, but if you *really* want the raw data, here it is self._data: dict = data self._from_data(data) def _from_data(self, data: dict): self.channel_id: Optional[int] = None if data.get("channel_id", None): self.channel_id = int(data["channel_id"]) self._guild: Optional[PartialGuild] = None if data.get("guild_id", None): self._guild = PartialGuild(, id=int(data["guild_id"]) ) self._channel: Optional[BaseChannel] = None if data.get("channel", None): _channel_data = data["channel"] if self._guild: _channel_data["guild_id"] = self._channel = channel_types[_channel_data["type"]](, data=_channel_data ) self.message: Optional[Message] = None if data.get("message", None): self.message = Message(, data=data["message"], guild=self._guild ) elif self._raw_resolved.get("messages", {}): _first_msg = next(iter(self._raw_resolved["messages"].values()), None) if _first_msg: self.message = Message(, data=_first_msg, guild=self._guild ) if self._raw_resolved: self.resolved = ResolvedValues(self, data) Optional[Union[Member, User]] = None if self.message is not None: = self.user: Union[Member, User] = self._parse_user(data) match self.type: case InteractionType.message_component: self.select_values = SelectValues(self, data) case InteractionType.modal_submit: for comp in data["data"]["components"]: ans = comp["components"][0] self.modal_values[ans["custom_id"]] = ans["value"] async def _background_task_manager(self, call_after: Callable) -> None: try: if isinstance(, (int, float)): await asyncio.sleep( # Somehow, Discord thinks @original messages is HTTP 404 # Give them a smaaaall chance to fix it await call_after() except Exception as e: if"interaction_error"):"interaction_error", self, e) else: _log.error( f"Error while running call_after:{call_after}", exc_info=e ) @property def guild(self) -> Guild | PartialGuild | None: """ `Guild | PartialGuild | None`: Returns the guild the interaction was made in If you are using gateway cache, it can return full object too """ if not self._guild: return None cache = if cache: return cache return self._guild @property def channel(self) -> "BaseChannel | PartialChannel | None": """ `BaseChannel | PartialChannel`: Returns the channel the interaction was made in """ if not self.channel_id: return None if self.guild: cache =, channel_id=self.channel_id ) if cache: return cache if self._channel: # Prefer the channel from context return self._channel return PartialChannel(, id=self.channel_id, if self.guild else None ) @property def channel_type(self) -> ChannelType: """ `ChannelType` Returns the type of the channel """ if self._channel: return self._channel.type return ChannelType.unknown @property def created_at(self) -> datetime: """ `datetime` Returns the time the interaction was created """ return utils.snowflake_time( @property def cooldown(self) -> Optional[Cooldown]: """ `Optional[Cooldown]` Returns the context cooldown """ _cooldown = self.command.cooldown if _cooldown is None: return None return _cooldown.get_bucket( self, self.created_at.timestamp() ) @property def expires_at(self) -> datetime: """ `datetime` Returns the time the interaction expires """ return self.created_at + timedelta(minutes=15)
[docs] def is_expired(self) -> bool: """ `bool` Returns whether the interaction is expired """ return utils.utcnow() >= self.expires_at
@property def response(self) -> InteractionResponse: """ `InteractionResponse` Returns the response to the interaction """ return InteractionResponse(self)
[docs] async def send( self, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, *, embed: Optional[Embed] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[list[Embed]] = MISSING, file: Optional[File] = MISSING, files: Optional[list[File]] = MISSING, ephemeral: Optional[bool] = False, view: Optional[View] = MISSING, tts: Optional[bool] = False, type: Union[ResponseType, int] = 4, allowed_mentions: Optional[AllowedMentions] = MISSING, poll: Optional[Poll] = MISSING, flags: Optional[MessageFlags] = MISSING, delete_after: Optional[float] = None ) -> WebhookMessage: """ Send a message after responding with an empty response in the initial interaction Parameters ---------- content: `Optional[str]` Content of the message embed: `Optional[Embed]` Embed of the message embeds: `Optional[list[Embed]]` Embeds of the message file: `Optional[File]` File of the message files: `Optional[Union[list[File], File]]` Files of the message ephemeral: `bool` Whether the message should be sent as ephemeral view: `Optional[View]` Components of the message type: `Optional[ResponseType]` Which type of response should be sent allowed_mentions: `Optional[AllowedMentions]` Allowed mentions of the message wait: `bool` Whether to wait for the message to be sent thread_id: `Optional[int]` Thread ID to send the message to poll: `Optional[Poll]` Poll to send with the message flags: `Optional[MessageFlags]` Flags of the message delete_after: `Optional[float]` How long to wait before deleting the message Returns ------- `Message` Returns the message that was sent """ if embed is not MISSING and embeds is not MISSING: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both embed and embeds") if file is not MISSING and files is not MISSING: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both file and files") if isinstance(embed, Embed): embeds = [embed] if isinstance(file, File): files = [file] payload = MessageResponse( content=content, embeds=embeds, ephemeral=ephemeral, view=view, tts=tts, attachments=files, type=type, poll=poll, flags=flags, allowed_mentions=( allowed_mentions or ) ) multidata = MultipartData() if isinstance(payload.files, list): for i, file in enumerate(payload.files): multidata.attach( f"file{i}", file, # type: ignore filename=file.filename ) _modified_payload = payload.to_dict() multidata.attach("payload_json", _modified_payload) r = await "POST", f"/interactions/{}/{self._followup_token}/callback", data=multidata.finish(), params={"with_response": "true"}, headers={"Content-Type": multidata.content_type} ) _msg = WebhookMessage(, data=r.response["resource"]["message"],, # type: ignore token=self._followup_token ) if delete_after is not None: await _msg.delete(delay=float(delete_after)) return _msg
[docs] async def create_followup_response( self, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, *, embed: Optional[Embed] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[list[Embed]] = MISSING, file: Optional[File] = MISSING, files: Optional[list[File]] = MISSING, ephemeral: Optional[bool] = False, view: Optional[View] = MISSING, tts: Optional[bool] = False, type: Union[ResponseType, int] = 4, allowed_mentions: Optional[AllowedMentions] = MISSING, poll: Optional[Poll] = MISSING, flags: Optional[MessageFlags] = MISSING, delete_after: Optional[float] = None ) -> WebhookMessage: """ Creates a new followup response to the interaction Do not use this to create a followup response when defer was called before. Use `edit_original_response` instead. Parameters ---------- content: `Optional[str]` Content of the message embed: `Optional[Embed]` Embed of the message embeds: `Optional[list[Embed]]` Embeds of the message file: `Optional[File]` File of the message files: `Optional[Union[list[File], File]]` Files of the message ephemeral: `bool` Whether the message should be sent as ephemeral view: `Optional[View]` Components of the message type: `Optional[ResponseType]` Which type of response should be sent allowed_mentions: `Optional[AllowedMentions]` Allowed mentions of the message wait: `bool` Whether to wait for the message to be sent thread_id: `Optional[int]` Thread ID to send the message to poll: `Optional[Poll]` Poll to send with the message flags: `Optional[MessageFlags]` Flags of the message delete_after: `Optional[float]` How long to wait before deleting the message Returns ------- `Message` Returns the message that was sent """ payload = MessageResponse( content=content, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, ephemeral=ephemeral, view=view, tts=tts, file=file, files=files, type=type, poll=poll, flags=flags, allowed_mentions=( allowed_mentions or ) ) r = await "POST", f"/webhooks/{}/{self._followup_token}", data=payload.to_multipart(is_request=True), headers={"Content-Type": payload.content_type} ) _msg = WebhookMessage(, data=r.response,, # type: ignore token=self._followup_token ) if delete_after is not None: await _msg.delete(delay=float(delete_after)) return _msg
[docs] async def original_response(self) -> WebhookMessage: """ `Message` Fetch the original response to the interaction """ if self._original_response is not None: return self._original_response r = await "GET", f"/webhooks/{}/{self._followup_token}/messages/@original", retry_codes=[404] ) msg = WebhookMessage(, data=r.response,, # type: ignore token=self._followup_token ) self._original_response = msg return msg
[docs] async def edit_original_response( self, *, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, embed: Optional[Embed] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[list[Embed]] = MISSING, view: Optional[View] = MISSING, attachment: Optional[File] = MISSING, attachments: Optional[list[File]] = MISSING, allowed_mentions: Optional[AllowedMentions] = MISSING ) -> WebhookMessage: """ `Message` Edit the original response to the interaction """ payload = MessageResponse( content=content, embeds=embeds, embed=embed, attachment=attachment, attachments=attachments, view=view, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions ) r = await "PATCH", f"/webhooks/{}/{self._followup_token}/messages/@original", headers={"Content-Type": payload.content_type}, data=payload.to_multipart(is_request=True), retry_codes=[404] ) msg = WebhookMessage(, data=r.response,, # type: ignore token=self._followup_token ) self._original_response = msg return msg
[docs] async def delete_original_response(self) -> None: """ Delete the original response to the interaction """ await "DELETE", f"/webhooks/{}/{self._followup_token}/messages/@original", retry_codes=[404] )
async def _create_args(self) -> tuple[list[Union[Member, User, Message, None]], dict]: match self.command_type: case ApplicationCommandType.chat_input: return [], await self._create_args_chat_input() case ApplicationCommandType.user: if self.resolved.members: _first: Optional[dict] = next( iter(self._raw_resolved["members"].values()), None ) if not _first: raise ValueError("User command detected members, but was unable to parse it") if not self.guild: raise ValueError("While parsing members, guild was not available") _first["user"] = next( iter(self._raw_resolved["users"].values()), None ) _target = Member(, guild=self.guild, data=_first ) elif self._raw_resolved.get("users", {}): _first: Optional[dict] = next( iter(self._raw_resolved["users"].values()), None ) if not _first: raise ValueError("User command detected users, but was unable to parse it") _target = User(, data=_first) else: raise ValueError("Neither members nor users were detected while parsing user command") return [_target], {} case ApplicationCommandType.message: return [self.message], {} case _: raise ValueError("Unknown command type") async def _create_args_chat_input(self) -> dict: async def _create_args_recursive(data, resolved) -> dict: if not data.get("options"): return {} kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {} for option in data["options"]: match option["type"]: case x if x in ( CommandOptionType.sub_command, CommandOptionType.sub_command_group ): sub_kwargs = await _create_args_recursive(option, resolved) kwargs.update(sub_kwargs) case CommandOptionType.user: if "members" in resolved: if option["value"] not in resolved["members"]: raise CheckFailed( "It would seem that the user you are trying to get is not within reach. " "Please check if the user is in the same channel as the command." ) member_data = resolved["members"][option["value"]] member_data["user"] = resolved["users"][option["value"]] if not self.guild: raise ValueError("Guild somehow was not available while parsing Member") kwargs[option["name"]] = Member(, guild=self.guild, data=member_data ) else: kwargs[option["name"]] = User(, data=resolved["users"][option["value"]] ) case type_id = resolved["channels"][option["value"]]["type"] kwargs[option["name"]] = channel_types[type_id](, data=resolved["channels"][option["value"]] ) case CommandOptionType.attachment: kwargs[option["name"]] = Attachment(, data=resolved["attachments"][option["value"]] ) case CommandOptionType.role: if not self.guild: raise ValueError("Guild somehow was not available while parsing Role") kwargs[option["name"]] = Role(, guild=self.guild, data=resolved["roles"][option["value"]] ) case CommandOptionType.string: kwargs[option["name"]] = option["value"] _has_converter = self.command._converters.get(option["name"], None) if _has_converter: _conv_class = _has_converter() if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(_conv_class.convert): kwargs[option["name"]] = await _conv_class.convert( self, option["value"] ) else: kwargs[option["name"]] = _conv_class.convert( self, option["value"] ) case CommandOptionType.integer: kwargs[option["name"]] = int(option["value"]) case CommandOptionType.number: kwargs[option["name"]] = float(option["value"]) case CommandOptionType.boolean: kwargs[option["name"]] = bool(option["value"]) case _: kwargs[option["name"]] = option["value"] return kwargs return await _create_args_recursive( {"options": self.options}, self._raw_resolved ) def _parse_user(self, data: dict) -> Union[Member, User]: if data.get("member", None): return Member(, guild=self.guild, # type: ignore data=data["member"] ) elif data.get("user", None): return User(, data=data["user"] ) else: raise ValueError( "Neither member nor user was detected while parsing user" )