Source code for discord_http.backend

import asyncio
import copy
import logging
import signal
import json

from datetime import datetime
from hypercorn.asyncio import serve
from hypercorn.config import Config as HyperConfig
from nacl.exceptions import BadSignatureError
from nacl.signing import VerifyKey
from quart import Quart, request, abort
from quart import Response as QuartResponse
from quart.logging import default_handler
from quart.utils import MustReloadError, restart
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

from . import utils
from .commands import Command, SubGroup
from .enums import InteractionType
from .errors import CheckFailed
from .response import BaseResponse, Ping, MessageResponse, EmptyResponse

    from .client import Client
    from .context import Context

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = (

def _cancel_all_tasks(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
    """ Used by Quart to cancel all tasks on shutdown. """
    tasks = [
        task for task in asyncio.all_tasks(loop)
        if not task.done()

    if not tasks:

    for task in list(tasks):

        if task.get_coro().__name__ == "_windows_signal_support":  # type: ignore

        asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)

    for task in tasks:
        if not task.cancelled() and task.exception() is not None:
                "message": "unhandled exception during shutdown",
                "exception": task.exception(),
                "task": task

[docs] class DiscordHTTP(Quart): def __init__(self, *, client: "Client"): """ This serves as the fundemental HTTP server for Discord Interactions We recommend to not touch this class, unless you know what you're doing """ self.uptime: datetime = utils.utcnow() "Client" = client # Aliases self.loop = self.debug_events = super().__init__(__name__) # Change some of the default settings self.config["JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR"] = False self.config["JSON_SORT_KEYS"] = False # Remove Quart's default logging handler _quart_log = logging.getLogger("") _quart_log.removeHandler(default_handler) _quart_log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) async def _validate_request(self) -> None: """ Used to validate requests sent by Discord Webhooks This should NOT be modified, unless you know what you're doing """ if not return abort(401, "invalid public key") verify_key = VerifyKey(bytes.fromhex( signature: str = request.headers.get("X-Signature-Ed25519", "") timestamp: str = request.headers.get("X-Signature-Timestamp", "") try: data = await body = data.decode("utf-8") verify_key.verify( f"{timestamp}{body}".encode(), bytes.fromhex(signature) ) except BadSignatureError: abort(401, "invalid request signature") except Exception: abort(400, "invalid request body") def _dig_subcommand( self, cmd: Command | SubGroup, data: dict ) -> tuple[Command | None, list[dict]]: """ Used to dig through subcommands to execute correct command/autocomplete """ data_options: list[dict] = data["data"].get("options", []) while isinstance(cmd, SubGroup): find_next_step = next(( g for g in data_options if g.get("name", None) and not g.get("value", None) ), None) if not find_next_step: return abort(400, "invalid command") cmd = cmd.subcommands.get(find_next_step["name"], None) # type: ignore if not cmd: _log.warning( f"Unhandled subcommand: {find_next_step['name']} " "(not found in local command list)" ) return abort(404, "command not found") data_options = find_next_step.get("options", []) return cmd, data_options def _handle_ack_ping( self, ctx: "Context", data: dict ) -> dict: """ Used to handle ACK ping """ _ping = Ping(, data=data) if"ping"):"ping", _ping) _log.debug(f"Discord Interactions ACK recieved ({})") return ctx.response.pong() async def _handle_application_command( self, ctx: "Context", data: dict ) -> QuartResponse | dict: """ Used to handle application commands """ _log.debug("Received slash command, processing...") command_name = data["data"]["name"] cmd =, None) if not cmd: _log.warning( f"Unhandeled command: {command_name} " "(not found in local command list)" ) return QuartResponse( "command not found", status=404 ) cmd, _ = self._dig_subcommand(cmd, data) # Now that the command is found, let context know about it ctx.command = cmd try: # But first, check global checks await # Now run the command itself payload = await cmd._make_context_and_run( context=ctx ) if isinstance(payload, EmptyResponse): return QuartResponse("", status=202) return QuartResponse( payload.to_multipart(), content_type=payload.content_type ) except Exception as e: if"interaction_error"):"interaction_error", ctx, e) else: _log.error( f"Error while running command {}", exc_info=e ) _send_error = self.error_messages(ctx, e) if _send_error and isinstance(_send_error, BaseResponse): return _send_error.to_dict() return abort(500) async def _handle_interaction( self, ctx: "Context", data: dict ) -> QuartResponse | dict: """ Used to handle interactions """ _log.debug("Received interaction, processing...") _custom_id = data["data"]["custom_id"] try: local_view = None if ( local_view is None and ctx.custom_id ): local_view = ctx.custom_id, None ) if ( local_view is None and ctx.message ): local_view =, None ) if not local_view and ctx.message.interaction: local_view =, None ) if local_view: payload = await local_view.callback(ctx) return QuartResponse( payload.to_multipart(), content_type=payload.content_type ) intreact = if not intreact: _log.debug( "Unhandled interaction recieved " f"(custom_id: {_custom_id})" ) return QuartResponse( "interaction not found", status=404 ) payload = await return QuartResponse( payload.to_multipart(), content_type=payload.content_type ) except Exception as e: if"interaction_error"):"interaction_error", ctx, e) else: _log.error( f"Error while running interaction {_custom_id}", exc_info=e ) return abort(500) async def _handle_autocomplete( self, ctx: "Context", data: dict ) -> QuartResponse | dict: """ Used to handle autocomplete interactions """ _log.debug("Received autocomplete interaction, processing...") command_name = data.get("data", {}).get("name", None) cmd = try: if not cmd: _log.warning(f"Unhandled autocomplete recieved (name: {command_name})") return QuartResponse( "command not found", status=404 ) cmd, data_options = self._dig_subcommand(cmd, data) find_focused = next(( x for x in data_options if x.get("focused", False) ), None) if not find_focused: _log.warning( "Failed to find focused option in autocomplete " f"(cmd name: {command_name})" ) return QuartResponse( "focused option not found", status=400 ) return await cmd.run_autocomplete( ctx, find_focused["name"], find_focused["value"] ) except Exception as e: if"interaction_error"):"interaction_error", ctx, e) else: _log.error( f"Error while running autocomplete {}", exc_info=e ) return abort(500) async def _index_interactions_endpoint( self ) -> QuartResponse | dict: """ The main function to handle all HTTP requests sent by Discord Please do not touch this function, unless you know what you're doing """ await self._validate_request() data = await request.json if self.debug_events: "raw_interaction", copy.deepcopy(data) ) context =, data) data_type = data.get("type", -1) match data_type: case return self._handle_ack_ping(context, data) case InteractionType.application_command: return await self._handle_application_command( context, data ) case x if x in ( InteractionType.message_component, InteractionType.modal_submit ): return await self._handle_interaction( context, data ) case InteractionType.application_command_autocomplete: return await self._handle_autocomplete( context, data ) case _: # Unknown _log.debug(f"Unhandled interaction recieved (type: {data_type})") return abort(400, "invalid request body")
[docs] def error_messages( self, ctx: "Context", e: Exception ) -> MessageResponse | None: """ Used to return error messages to Discord. By default, it will only cover CheckFailed errors. You can overwrite this function to return your own error messages. Parameters ---------- ctx: `Context` The context of the command e: `Exception` The exception that was raised Returns ------- `Optional[MessageResponse]` The message response provided by the library error handler """ if isinstance(e, CheckFailed): return ctx.response.send_message( content=str(e), ephemeral=True )
[docs] async def index_ping(self) -> tuple[dict, int] | dict: """ Used to ping the interaction url, to check if it's working You can overwrite this function to return your own data as well. Remember that it must return `dict` """ if not return {"error": "bot is not ready yet"}, 503 return { "@me": { "id":, "username":, "discriminator":, "created_at": str(, }, "last_reboot": { "datetime": str(self.uptime.astimezone().isoformat()), "timedelta": str(utils.utcnow() - self.uptime), "unix": int(self.uptime.timestamp()), } }
[docs] def jsonify( self, data: dict, *, status: int = 200, sort_keys: bool = False, indent: int | None = None, ) -> QuartResponse: """ Force Quart to respond with JSON the way you like it Parameters ---------- data: `dict` The data to respond with status: `int` The status code to respond with sort_keys: `bool` Whether to sort the keys or not indent: `int | None` If the JSON should be indented on response Returns ------- `QuartResponse` The response object """ return QuartResponse( json.dumps(data, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, status=status, )
[docs] def start( self, *, host: str = "", port: int = 8080 ) -> None: if not self.add_url_rule( "/", "ping", self.index_ping, methods=["GET"] ) self.add_url_rule( "/", "index", self._index_interactions_endpoint, methods=["POST"] ) try:"Serving on http://{host}:{port}"), port=port, loop=self.loop) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Just don't bother showing errors...
[docs] def run( self, host: str, port: int, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop ) -> None: """ ## Do NOT use this function, use `start` instead """ loop.set_debug(False) shutdown_event = asyncio.Event() def _signal_handler(*_: Any) -> None: shutdown_event.set() for signal_name in {"SIGINT", "SIGTERM", "SIGBREAK"}: if hasattr(signal, signal_name): try: loop.add_signal_handler( getattr(signal, signal_name), _signal_handler ) except NotImplementedError: # Add signal handler may not be implemented on Windows signal.signal( getattr(signal, signal_name), _signal_handler ) server_name = self.config.get("SERVER_NAME") sn_host = None sn_port = None if server_name is not None: sn_host, _, sn_port = server_name.partition(":") if host is None: host = sn_host or "" if port is None: port = int(sn_port or "8080") task = self.run_task( host=host, port=port, shutdown_trigger=shutdown_event.wait, ) tasks = [loop.create_task(task)] reload_ = False try: loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks)) except MustReloadError: reload_ = True except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: try: _cancel_all_tasks(loop) loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) finally: asyncio.set_event_loop(None) loop.close() if reload_: restart()
[docs] def run_task( self, host: str = "", port: int = 8080, shutdown_trigger=None ): """ ## Do NOT use this function, use `start` instead """ config = HyperConfig() config.access_log_format = "%(h)s %(r)s %(s)s %(b)s %(D)s" config.accesslog = None config.bind = [f"{host}:{port}"] config.ca_certs = None config.certfile = None config.debug = False config.errorlog = None config.keyfile = None return serve( self, config, shutdown_trigger=shutdown_trigger )