Source code for discord_http.asset

from typing import Self

from . import http
from .errors import HTTPException

__all__ = (

[docs] class Asset: BASE = "" def __init__( self, *, url: str, key: str, animated: bool = False ): self._url: str = url self._animated: bool = animated self._key: str = key def __str__(self) -> str: return self._url def __repr__(self) -> str: shorten = self._url.replace(self.BASE, "") return f"<Asset url={shorten}>"
[docs] async def fetch(self) -> bytes: """ Fetches the asset Returns ------- `bytes` The asset data """ r = await http.query( "GET", self.url, res_method="read" ) if r.status not in range(200, 300): raise HTTPException(r) return r.response
[docs] async def save(self, path: str) -> int: """ Fetches the file from the attachment URL and saves it locally to the path Parameters ---------- path: `str` Path to save the file to, which includes the filename and extension. Example: `./path/to/file.png` Returns ------- `int` The amount of bytes written to the file """ data = await self.fetch() with open(path, "wb") as f: return f.write(data)
@property def url(self) -> str: """ The URL of the asset Returns ------- `str` The URL of the asset """ return self._url @property def key(self) -> str: """ The key of the asset Returns ------- `str` The key of the asset """ return self._key
[docs] def is_animated(self) -> bool: """ Whether the asset is animated or not Returns ------- `bool` Whether the asset is animated or not """ return self._animated
@classmethod def _from_avatar( cls, user_id: int, avatar: str ) -> Self: animated = avatar.startswith("a_") format = "gif" if animated else "png" return cls( url=f"{cls.BASE}/avatars/{user_id}/{avatar}.{format}?size=1024", key=avatar, animated=animated ) @classmethod def _from_guild_avatar( cls, guild_id: int, member_id: int, avatar: str ) -> Self: animated = avatar.startswith("a_") format = "gif" if animated else "png" return cls( url=f"{cls.BASE}/guilds/{guild_id}/users/{member_id}/avatars/{avatar}.{format}?size=1024", key=avatar, animated=animated ) @classmethod def _from_guild_icon( cls, guild_id: int, icon_hash: str ) -> Self: animated = icon_hash.startswith('a_') format = 'gif' if animated else 'png' return cls( url=f'{cls.BASE}/icons/{guild_id}/{icon_hash}.{format}?size=1024', key=icon_hash, animated=animated, ) @classmethod def _from_guild_banner( cls, guild_id: int, banner_hash: str ) -> Self: animated = banner_hash.startswith('a_') format = 'gif' if animated else 'png' return cls( url=f'{cls.BASE}/banners/{guild_id}/{banner_hash}.{format}?size=1024', key=banner_hash, animated=animated, ) @classmethod def _from_avatar_decoration( cls, decoration: str ) -> Self: animated = ( decoration.startswith("v2_a_") or decoration.startswith("a_") ) return cls( url=f"{cls.BASE}/avatar-decoration-presets/{decoration}.png?size=96&passthrough=true", key=decoration, animated=animated ) @classmethod def _from_banner( cls, user_id: int, banner: str ) -> Self: animated = banner.startswith("a_") format = "gif" if animated else "png" return cls( url=f"{cls.BASE}/banners/{user_id}/{banner}.{format}?size=1024", key=banner, animated=animated )